Discussing how to make real connections and build rapport on the internet is a bit of a slippery slope. The internet can be a safe haven for people who “like to hide behind their monitors” and act tough and be pessimistic about everything they see.
Then there’s the other half, who inevitably know nothing about you, aren’t exactly looking to hear rehashed information in there newsfeeds and want nothing to do with your offer (at that particular time).
So the question becomes, how do you establish and create real trust, likability and familiarity with your list, team, and networks to increase profits?
Build Relationships To Increase Sales
Here are the main ways that you can have more sales just with your original, existing members and list:
- Your first option is try to build up a huge list in order to obtain several hundred or so sales from it.
- But, before you do this, you must first start by getting sales from your smaller list, so you then have money to start building up a bigger list.
- Try to communicate with potential customers over the phone. This will make an immediate connection between you and them, and it will make it easier for you to discover what they would like.
Understand Your List Of Subscribers
If you want to make connections with customers, you need to start by figuring out what their problems are, and then provide them with potential solutions that they will like.
- As you give people solutions to their problems, they will start to connect with you more and more. It may take some time for you to truly establish a connection with some, and it may take less time with others. But, if you keep their problems in mind and you keep providing them feasible solutions that they can implement, you will continue to strengthen these connections for a long time.
- To get people interested in what you have to offer and say, you first need to show them the value in it. This will get a response out of them and will strengthen your connections even more.
- Make sure to also determine what your business’ problems are as well, and find solutions for them. Doing so will greatly increase the value of your business and will also keep your customers happy.
Get Readers Attention
Create Intriguing Headlines That Will Draw People In
- “Learn how this young entrepreneur was able to automate his business and stop annoying his friends and family.”
- A better version: “Learn how this young entrepreneur started sponsoring nine people a day through his business, rather than annoying his friends and family online.”
Common Issues
The Problems That People Most Commonly Face
- Not having enough marketing education. Whether we like it or not, marketing is important. Not knowing how to properly do it will definitely hurt you in both the short and long run.
- Not having any of their own leads.
- Wasting time traveling when they should be at home, focusing on growing their business.
- Spending a majority of their day driving to and from meetings.
- Not being able to successfully identify their ideal audience.
- Constantly looking at each customer as a new source of money, rather than an individual that they need to keep happy.
- Spending money on automating everything, but not making money from doing so.
- Having thousands of customers but not making any money from that, either.
- Hopping from one thing to another.
- Blaming their lack of success on problems that are not actually the cause.
Remember, everyone is an internet gangster behind their computer screens – it is up to us Super Networkers to preserve through the thick and thin to come out on top and show the haters we mean business, legit and full of genuine credit.
Let’s continue the Super Networker Expert Money Idea training with how to get specific leads for whatever you are selling and promoting.