How to Make Money Blogging

Become a Make Money Blogging Pro and Attract Quality, Targeted Visitors to Your Site

I won’t beat around the bush- blogging is super difficult. However, it is also necessary. In fact, I’m sure some of you are sighing and wondering why you cannot simply attract customers the old fashioned way. You can give it a go, but I promise you, if you do not set up a blog and consistently update it, your efforts will be futile.

Between brainstorming ideas to write about, consistently publishing content, and promoting your content through the use of social media, blogging can seem as if it just one big headache in the making.

On top of all of this, most of us even go through phases where we wonder if our blogging efforts are even worth it all. Are we attracting traffic? Is anyone even reading anything that we’re writing? Why on earth are we wasting our time with this?

Once these thoughts creep into our minds, then the thought of quitting does also. Oh how liberated all of us would feel if we suddenly quit writing! Think of all the amazing things that you could do with your free time if one day you didn’t have a blog to maintain. Quitting definitely sounds appealing now, right?

Wrong. Yes, blogs are hard work, but they are also worthwhile. The effort and determination that you invest into your site will result in an increase in traffic and a boost in sales if you play your cards right. Whether we like it or not, blogs have become a vital aspect of business, and they are here to stay. It’s time that each and every one of us starts embracing blogs and taking advantage of the benefits that they provide, rather than treating them as if they are nuisances.

Time and time again, you will hear stories about businesses that became huge and multiplied in value because they harnessed the power of their blog. When done correctly, blog traffic can almost directly lead to sales. Appealing, huh?

Now, here is the ultimate conundrum: how do you make your blog a success, attract new clients, and increase your sales without overworking yourself and still being able to successfully manage everything else on your plate?

I’m going to tell you how. From personally owning a blog for years and being close friends with many individuals who have done the same, I have managed to compile numerous tips and hints that will help you succeed in the blogging industry. Read on, and you will be a blogging pro in no time.

Onto the good stuff. Let’s start with some tips on how to be efficient when writing your blog posts.

How to Keep the Content Rolling

1) Create a consistent schedule that you know you can follow. The first step to getting anything done is to create a schedule and succeed at time management. You want your blogging schedule to be realistic, as you are only setting yourself up for failure if it isn’t. It is also important to keep in mind that you don’t need to be posting new pieces of content every single day. Once a week should suffice at the beginning, and if you think you can eventually handle more, increase your volume accordingly.

2) Have a list of ideas on hand. Always, always, always take into consideration what your audience would like to be reading. If one of your readers asks a question on a post, add that topic to a list of future subjects to write about. Also, put yourself into your readers’ shoes, and imagine what types of content you would like to see if you were them. Creating a list ahead of time will let you stay organized and on track with your blogging schedule, and will prevent you from becoming stressed.

3) Plan what you are going to write ahead of time. Remember in high school when you had to outline all of your essays before you wrote them? Yeah, that was actually useful for something. Use the same tactic with your blog posts, as it will allow you to stay on topic and write a cohesive, flowing article that will make sense to readers.

4) Find some solid structures and stick with them. Don’t get me wrong- creativity is great. But, when it comes to the structure of your articles, I strongly suggest finding a few classic styles and sticking with them. Feel free to be creative with your actual content, but stick with writing structures that you know are appealing to readers and simple to follow.

5) Don’t procrastinate on writing your posts. Start writing as early as possible. This will give you plenty of time to edit and re-write, which is exactly what you want if you want to blow your readers’ minds. Procrastination will do you no favors in the end.

6) Always have an extra post on hand, just in case. Let’s face it- life gets busy and messy, and sometimes things happen that we don’t exactly plan for. In case this ever happens to you, always keep an extra blog post at the ready.

7) Time yourself. Give yourself a designated amount of time to brainstorm for ideas, then a designated amount of time to write each of your drafts. This will keep you on track and will help to make you work efficiently.

All of these tips will help you to quickly write high quality content, which is exactly what you want.

However, always keep in mind that time is not everything. Your readers don’t care about how quickly you wrote your post, they care about how well it is written, if it is interesting, and if it is applicable to their lives. Don’t sacrifice quality just because it’s the quicker option!

How to Engage Your Readers With Your Content

If all you post on your blog is one sales pitch after another, you are going to have very few readers, if any at all. No one wants to constantly hear about why they should buy something. Instead, they want to hear about how something can personally benefit them.

The first step to creating a following for your blog is to stop thinking like a businessman. Yes, I know, that is easier said than done. But, try thinking like a mentor, or a writer instead. It will pay off in the end.

8) Become your audience’s best friend. You must get to know your audience well. What are they interested in reading? What are they struggling with? What are their goals? This will help you to determine what types of articles that you can write that they will enjoy and want to read.

9) Give your blog a purpose and stick to it. You also must decide what your blog is even about. If you had to define the purpose or goal of your blog in one sentence, could you? What would it be?

10) Don’t just draw in clicks, but instead draw in potential customers. We all love hyperbolic headlines, but they’re really unnecessary and not very useful. Instead, write for your clients and dedicated readers, not just for leads.

11) Stop worrying about offending everyone. If you are constantly tiptoeing around your readers, chances are that your content will wind up not being interesting enough. Instead, become closer with your diehard readers, and let go of that fear that you may wind up alienating someone. Trust me, someone is always going to be offended.

12) Look to others for guidance. The best way to learn about blogging is to read other blog posts and see what other bloggers like you are currently doing. Pay close attention to trends, and mimic whatever you discover works. Consider other bloggers to be your mentors, even if you do not personally know them.

13) Take advantage of your good moods and write during them. If you have the itch to write content, go write! This will result in you being more efficient and creating high quality articles. Plus, there’s nothing worse than making yourself write when you don’t want to.

A businessman wants to earn money. A passionate writer or mentor wants to educate others and create thought provoking articles.

When I say that your readers will immediately know which one you are, I mean it. Your heart has to be in it if you want the results that you are looking for. If you take on the second role, you will get more sales and business in the end.

Make Your Blog Go Viral

The Internet is jam packed with what I like to call ‘fluff’ content. Fluff content is essentially articles that merely take up space. They don’t actually say anything, and they are full of useless words. They sound nice, but there is a lack of meaning.

They usually contain boring stock images that you’ve probably seen on numerous other sites, and chances are a majority of individuals don’t even finish reading the entire text. Fluff content is yawn inducing to say the least.

You want to avoid producing this type of content at all costs. And, in order to accomplish this, you need to write about something that matters. You need to create a quality blog that is considered to be an authority in whatever niche you are. Don’t become like every other blog that is currently on the web.

Here’s how you can become an authority in your industry:

14) Take on an opinion. This goes along with the “don’t be afraid of offending people” tip. Express your opinion, even if it means that others may not agree with you or wind up liking your blog. If you want to be a leader, you need to not be afraid of saying what you think.

15) Get rid of those ‘timid’ words. I don’t want to ever see you write ‘maybe’, ‘but’, ‘if’, ‘might’, or ‘in my opinion’. We know it’s your opinion- you’re writing the article. Be confident with what you are saying.

16) Don’t just write about the obvious. Your articles should be thought provoking, which means you need to write about important issues. If you merely write about topics that everyone knows about, or that are full of common sense, what is even the point of your article? You certainly will not be enlightening anyone by doing that. Your posts should be valuable, and they should make people think.

17) It’s okay to give information away for free. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to charge everyone for everything. Posting free tutorials is a great way to show that you are dedicated to your readers and not just trying to take their money. Plus, it will attract a lot of traffic to your site, and that’s exactly what you want.

18) Incorporate quotations and knowledge from other experts in your niche. Doing this will show that your posts are high quality, and will make your readers trust what they are reading. When readers trust your posts, you will eventually become the authority figure that you would ideally like to be.

19) Don’t fill your post with useless words just to sound nice. Sometimes simple diction is best. Make your posts comprehensive, and don’t just throw in thesaurus vocabulary for the heck of it. It doesn’t work.

20) Reference examples. What better way to make a solid argument than to show it has previously been correct in a real life example? Theories are great, but they aren’t everything. Use case studies to make your points even better.

21) Again, be consistent. Stick to your schedule, and always post on time. Don’t be erratic, and don’t drop off the face of the earth. If you don’t have anything on your blog, obviously no one will be reading it.

The concept is simple: spread your advice and knowledge to other individuals, and they will suddenly become potential customers.
How to Turn One Time Readers Into Dedicated Fans

Although being an authority in your niche is great, it can sometimes go wrong. You do not want the power distance between you and your audience to grow too large, and you want to make sure that you can still connect on a personal level with your readers.

Your goal should be to constantly wow your readers, and to make sure that they stay intrigued and amazed by what you are writing. If someone is reading your blog, they should ideally be motivated and inspired. Here’s how to do this.

22) Show a little empathy now and then. Let your readers know that you understand them, and that you are all on the same page. This will make you more relatable and will again help to decrease that power distance.

23) Cultivate your subheads. Subheads are one of the main things that draw people into articles. If you have amazing content but not-so-great subheads, your great article will go unnoticed, and that’s the last thing that you want. Your subheads should be intriguing, and they should make your readers want to read more of what you’ve written.

24) Let your readers know the real you. It never hurts to write a post about your personal life here or there. This reminds your readers that you too are human, and reestablishes the connection that you have with them. However, don’t lose sight of your blog’s main goal by turning it into a personal site.

25) Throw in both rhetorical and non-rhetorical questions. By including questions in your content, you are creating a conversational tone that most readers love. It makes your articles more personal, and it creates a sort of fluid banter that is quite effective.

26) Always finish with a strong conclusion. Your conclusion should contain any last arguments against potential objections that readers may have. Additionally, it should also neatly sum up the main point of your article, and provide your readers with a solid closure. Don’t write an amazing post then lose it in the end. Keep in mind that the conclusion is the last thing that most of your readers will remember.

27) Reward your readers. This also ties into the concept of being willing to give away free knowledge. Give your readers tips and tutorials- they will be grateful.

28) Create lasting ideas and points that stick in your readers’ heads.

29) Develop your own writing style. Anyone can learn the logistics of grammar, but it takes a truly talented writer or blogger to create their very own personal style. Style is what makes readers want to look at your content, and it is what keeps them coming back for more.

If your writing doesn’t contain personality, it is just like every other piece of content floating around on the Internet, unread. Don’t become another failed blogger that never gets a second glance. Instead, become someone memorable who has readers jumping at the bit to get their hands on more content.

Spread Your Blog Ideas Everywhere

Blogging is not like a traditional transaction or business deal. You’re not selling your readers a product or service- you’re conversing with them. Your readers may wind up turning into future customers, but a few posts here and there by no means guarantees a huge jump in sales.

Here are some tips on how you can spread your ideas and increase your fan base.

30) Allow your readers to subscribe. Once your email list grows overtime, it will be one of the main providers for your blog’s traffic.

31) Make an extra effort to connect with new subscribers. Send your new subscribers more automated emails than your older subscribers, but make sure not to overwhelm them. You do not want them to become annoyed with the quantity of your emails and instead choose to unsubscribe.

32) Keep your emails short and sweet. Don’t bore your readers, but instead encourage them to visit your site for more information.

33) Incorporate SEO into your posts. By using special keywords and SEO tactics, you can make your traffic jump like crazy.

34) Provide your readers with access to your favorite social media profiles. Don’t try to join every social media site- the upkeep is way too difficult. Instead, pick a few that you like the most, and focus on cultivating those profiles. This is a great way to connect with your readers on other platforms in addition to your blog.

35) Take part in guest posts. Let people post guest posts on your blog, and actively try to publish guest posts on other sites. This will attract even more readers, and will allow you to quickly grow your audience.

How Business Blogging Really Works

You can spend hours and hours writing and posting articles. You can dedicate years towards trying to increase your site’s viewers. You can work relentlessly on improving your blog’s SEO. You can constantly share your site via social media.

But, at the end of the day, the key to having a successful social media blog is to simply write about topics that are valuable and worthwhile.

Stand out.

Have a strong opinion.

Be your own person.

Develop your own voice, and convey your own passion. Doing so will attract you readers in no time.

How To Blog For Money

Things You Should Know About How to Make Money Blogging

As blogging has become more mainstream, more and more people have learned how to make money blogging. To be successful in this venture, you will have to put in a lot of hard work, post frequently and spread your revenue potential over a lot of different streams to bring in the money that would let you quit your job.

Blogging For Money How To

There are several different ways to make money blogging online. Social media and blogging are a both constantly evolving and changing, which makes them hard to define.

At a higher level, you can make money blogging by giving readers consistent, useful content that gets relevant traffic to your blog from the search engines. You can then convert this traffic into a sale. Even higher up, you can make money by giving answers to questions people ask. This is a form of content marketing.

The common factor in any method is traffic that is quality. If you are able to get the traffic you need then you can figure out how to cash in on it. There are countless ways to monetize your blog – the biggest problem is getting the traffic to begin with.

How to Get the Traffic You Need


To get this quality, relevant and consistent traffic from the search engines and have successful internet marketing, you have to do two main things.

This involves giving people valuable content such as something to answer their questions or solve problems, and also to be seen as a kind of authority on the subject matter you are writing about.

When you’ve been around a while and have been providing this quality content, people will refer others to you on the subject matter.

Getting Started

To get started blogging, you should pick a topic that you are passionate about and that you know quite a bit about. To help you really start to make money blogging, try and meet other bloggers online who are already making real money.

Once you befriend some of them, they will probably be willing to help you and share their methods with you on how they are making money. You can then optimize these methods and improve on their techniques so make yourself the money you are looking for.

How Much Can You Make?

It is quite possible to make enough money from blogging to eventually replace twenty-five to forty percent of your income from your regular full-time job. The income you can make from blogging can become a great side income, but remember that it will take a lot of work and patience. Most bloggers do not make a lot of money in actuality.

Do You Have the Time to Blog?

Most likely, you have a busy life just like anybody else, and you don’t truly have time to take out for a lot of blogging like you’d need to. Therefore, you will need to make the time to blog if you really want to do this.


This means that you might be writing later in the evening until very late at night, especially if you have a family to spend time with in the evening after your regular day job. This will mean missing out on any regular TV shows that you normally watch, and sacrificing this free time that you’d otherwise have.

When you want to know how to make money blogging, the above are all important considerations to keep in mind. Make sure to choose your topic to blog about carefully. It should be something you feel comfortable talking about and that you are passionate about as well.


Have you started your own blog? What is it that you like to blog about the most? We would like to hear about your success with blogging.

1 comment

  1. susan mbewe

    i love read success book i would love to join four corner alliance now i dont have a sponsor

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