Empower Network

empower network affiliate review

Empower Network Review – Best Blogging, Marketing, Training System in 2015?

For the first time in a long time, I’d like to chime in on the changes transpiring around the Empower Network paradigm.

Why? Because a seismic shift is taking place and it is truly exciting once again.

Who are we and why should you listen to us?

For starters, formerly a top 10 all time recruiter and top 25 compensation plan producer, Melissa and I have been at every rank on the leaderboard since we joined back on November 25, 2011 (only a month after the official Empower Network company launched).

But truth be told, we haven’t been breathing, teaching or living the Empower Network air for over 18 months now…Why?

Well despite being in the lime light and tight knit with the Empower Network affiliates and team members, the momentum and overall motivation just was not there. But it turns out it wasn’t only us to feel this downward spiraling shift.

empower network google trends

Empower Network 2011-2015 Google Trends

Let me explain.

Take a look at the Google Trends graphic display of the overall search volume of Empower Network from start to current (August 2015).

That pretty peaking point at the top was April 2013, a month which featured Empower Network’s largest events held in Chicago with over 5,000 in attendance…so what happened?

Bu-Bu-By-By-Blog Beast … is … what … happened … but, but let me finish.

Then, after the blogging blunder blow up of Blog Beast, leaders and co-founders started disappearing after their January 2014 Miami event (nearly 3,000 active in the seats).

So the spiraling downfall had already begun to take place.

The #1 Income Earner left, the right hand man of David Wood left, and then the #2 money generator left for another company and all hell started breaking loose…

But, that was 2013 and 2014 – we are over half way through 2015 – why is Empower Network still relevant? or are they?

Well, for one you are here. Now. And Empower Network, after stopping in on their latest Rise event in Las Vegas (only about a 1,000 or so in seats); we can honestly and willingly say Empower Network is back.

Although they never technically left the MLM / Network Marketing / Affiliate Commissions / Blogging scene, anyone in their right mind would say they had to work through their worries and even a few blizzard flurries with a change up of infrastructure, founders and technology teams.

But why the sudden sensation and mental notion that Empower Network is back?

Empower Network Review – Expert Evaluation

By now, we all know the beginning history about Empower Network’s birth in October 2011.  Pursued by their immediate and immaculate rise to Internet Marketing fame and success in under 2 years – only to experience their catastrophic free falling into the burning flames of the ‘scuzzy pyramid scheme’ label-laden industry. They were cast and written off like Tom Hawks and his beloved volleyball Wilson.

So why the do we feel like Empower is about to climb through the slime and reach their prime once again?

Merging iPAS2 System & Empower Network Opportunity

What is iPAS2? For some it could possibly be your first time hearing about it? And others, well we all know it will be our last – as it doesn’t exist anymore – why?

While this review of Empower is turning a bit into a historic conversation about its’ story, iPAS 2 played a pivotal role in keeping this company alive during those downtimes.

Once Empower Network Founder Dave Wood started reconfiguring and reconstituting the corporate team and company mission from the inside out, things started to turn around for the better, albeit slowly.

But while that swirling swirley of a situation was being gutted, flushed and cleaned out, the founder of the Internet Prospecting Acceleration System (iPAS) Chris Jones was just releasing and revealing his premium marketing system that complimented all of Empower Network’s products, trainings, and platforms extremely well…

So while EN was barely buzzing and breathing and but a shadow of its once-sensational shell, here was iPAS2 carrying the torch and keeping the core nucleus of Empower Network leaders and affiliates together just long enough for Chris Jones and Dave Wood to come together and rebrand this company to make it whole.

In order for peak performance and plenitful profits to start pouring in again like the golden days, this was a vital decision and direction that had to be made.

And now, like a phoenix rising up from the flames, we believe the Empower Network company and affiliates we be renewed and reignited in light of this new found and profound merge.

The Future of Empower Network

Empower Network, in all it’s new-beginning business triumph or new-age blogging transformation, knows everything starts with sparks and has consistently shown their guts, gusto and glory time and time again in their ‘whole-systems solution story’ …

Q4 Empower Network Blogging Update: KALATU has now been released. Check out ENv3 Blog Platform now.

empower networkIt is extremely important and exotically rare to acknowledge this culturally-rich, still-standing impressive feat upfront.

Since October 2011, the creation of Empower Network’s immaculate inception, the intuitive idea behind the birth of building an “online blogging business opportunity” was born with a bold and beautiful concept…EMPOWER OTHERS – to build a thriving, transforming community from the ground up, inside and out.

The primary perspective given about Empower in it’s early days was 1) Blog Daily 2) Tell Others 3) Get Money

The message has been massaged over the years, now with the logo and motto being “How To Build a Business while Having a Life”.

Ok, now that I gave all the high-horse, show-class jargon specs laid out – let’s get into the raw fruits and veggies, pure nuts and bolts of “what is empower network” and give you a 30,000 foot view of what it means to be apart of a growing, sustaining, evolving network of empowered entrepreneurs and like-minded business-savvy individuals.

At MakeMoneyExpert.com, we are committed to sharing the most profitable business ideas and catalysts for change anyone can find, do, or have online.

A lot of sense in one sentence I know ^^^…I guess a global betterment tug of the heart if you will.

No matter if your a complete newb or grade-a vet – this information was meant for you to read in a prime and proper, precisely-paved out path for you to perceive with your own personhood. Being your own boss means calling your own shots.

empower network membersOutright, one uniquely-special attribute that has stood out about Empower’s success more than anything are their electric events – call me crazy, but this is the glory I mentioned earlier, and it’s the glue that has held a company of this nature together over all the trial-n-error, ups-and-downs.

Referring to compensation, it is also one of the single biggest contributing factors to creating more top income earners in a short period of time than any other company before in the industry of network marketing…I guess the motto take away is “go paperless” (oh the irony).

Easily one of the most profitable and fastest growing Network Marketing/MLMs in the online business space today due to these passion-driven products and packages.

The company has become a true game changer since its legendary launch. Fast forward to 2014, Empower Network is growing up and maturing into one of the leading-edge pioneers for an entire Internet Income Age movement and adaption.

Some call it luck. I call it awareness.

There are 6 Expert Factors for judging to join any business or opportunity.

1) Company Management – where is the head of the snake going?
2) Timing – In a Window of Opportunity, Timing is Everything!
3) Trends – Where are people going and get there first!
4) Products – A company needs products that can stand on its own 2 feet
5) Compensation – where the money at though?? (common denominator)
6) System – literally save yourself time, energy, money

Anytime you need to make a decision about a service, product, or opportunity – ask these pivotal and perennial questions and seek legitimate answers. That’s what we did with Empower and that’s why we are still here nearly 3 years to-date.

Empower Network Compensation Plan Earnings*

empower network team

empower network earnings

*We are not typical, neither are our results using the viral blogging system and product suite training guides.

But that is also to say, do not take these pictorials with a grain of salt. No we will not take it as an insult, but we are trying to show you the insulation of this digital brick-and-mortar home of a business – it is not going anywhere, and neither are we.

We are allowed to call up to 7 timeouts in a regulation basketball game. We can use one of those now.

Now, despite major success, growth, and spirit; Empower Network may not be for you…

When choosing the right business venture to embark upon for you – it is critical to align with the right information and surround yourself with the right people.

Finding a place and personality where you feel like fitting into will make the journey all that more much enjoyable. Being comfortable about the message, vision and mission of a company and yours is vital to your action, results and progress in which the fashion you choose to present the business in.

We get asked lots of question about this business deal:

Is it really 100% commissions?
Is this some kind of pyramid scheme?
How can I make the most out of this business?
Do the products really work?

And more.

We will loop back to these later on in our Expert Review – for now our best bet is to break down and give you all the facts so you can make an educated decision and find out if this is a right fit for you.

Empower Network Background Story

One phrase comes to mind..”start from the bottom now we here”.. The company was founded by David wood and David Sharpe back in Oct, 2011, since it’s starting point it has attracted more than 180,000 paying members and has paid over 80 million in commissions to affiliates in a little less than 3 years to the date…yeah, time to put the kids to bed.

David_WoodCEOENDavid Wood (who is also a marketer at heart prior to fueling the now highly-flammable fire making him sole CEO), in all of his internet splendor and online mentorship, asked one single question —

How can we build the richest, most powerful network of entrepreneurs in the world?

And because this question was truly analyzed and studied in-depth, the company was able to patch and fix common problems and loopholes marketers were facing when trying to successfully promote a business and make sales and earn money. The results were astounding from the start, creating a rich and empowered team of top income earners in a very short period of time by industry standards.

Essentially one of their core products is a hosted blogging platform for you to blog, write, and pot on, similar to hubpages or wordpress but more.

The founders knew that one of the first steps to starting an online business is having a website where future prospects could find information about you and the products you offer, which is why a fully functional blog is one of their main products.

The Empower Network Preference & Difference:

sales_marketing_growthEmpower Network is essentially a program divided into multiple memberships that provides tools and teaches members how to successfully market their products and services online.

While you can use the information taught in the training promote and market any product, one of the most profitable ways to make money with this business is by becoming an affiliate, since you can get 100% commissions of membership sales.

There are some pros and cons to this:

Pros: the products are reliable and the information on the memberships have helped thousands of affiliates to become successful making money online.

Cons: There are a lot of affiliates already promoting and selling empower network, with that said if you learn how to market properly you can attract buyers who will be interested in what you specifically have to offer.

Empower Network Earning Potential

empower-network-earning-potentialUnlike many other MLM’s with high overhead cost on their products, Empower Network offers digital products In the form of memberships, that can teach even the rawest newbie how to market.

Since they offer digital product this gives the company the ability to pay 100% commissions to affiliates.

You can watch a little video on how their compensation plan works right here, this will explain why people can potentially make so much in a 100% commissions business model.

The truth is anyone can succeed with this compensation plan.

Most won’t. Not because Empower Network is a scam or because it doesn’t work, but because most people are not willing to do what it takes. But again, anyone can succeed.

You can succeed even if you don’t have a list of buyers interested in this kind of products.

…even if you don’t have a big team to bring over
…even if you didn’t get in the beginning
…even if you have never made money online or with an MLM business model.

blog-profitWe can tell you this with confidence because we have seen many success stories where those statements were proven truth.

You can check out this short and special video we have prepared for you on our two-year Empower Network events and travel lifestyle.

While we may refer to this as our vacation lifestyle, the results we have been able to produce required hard work, consistency and a clear picture of what we wanted to achieve and accomplished.

Our EN Journey & Event Schedule:

If you want to know in details how we were able to achieve this kind of results with the empower network business model be sure to opt in to our e-mail list to get some of our internet marketing secrets ☺

The truth is our life has completely changed since Empower Network ever since we joined we have had the opportunity to meet a lot of like minded entrepreneurs from all over the world, here is a little snap of what we have been able to do in only 2 years:

• November 25, 2011 joined Empower Network
• June, 2012 first Atlanta, GA event (1,200 people)
• August 2012 traveled down to Costa Rica + Leaders (Masters Course making)
• September 2012 San Diego, CA event (3,000 people)
• December 2012 Medellin, Colombia (private mastermind)
• January 2013 Austin, TX (4,000 people)
• April 2013 Chicago, IL (5,000 people) + Team Mastermind
• June 2013 Miami, FL (150) Dave and Dave Private Team Mastermind
• June 2013 Honolulu + Mali Hawaii with Empower Generated Commissions
• July 2013 Denver, CO (6,000 people) + 2 Day Prosperity Team Mastermind
• October 2013 Anaheim, CA (1,500 people regional) Spoke on Stage first time
• November 2013 3 Weeks Thailand (Empower Leaders) (where video is made from)
• January 2014 Miami (7,000 Expected people!) (hope to meet you there)

Empower Network Products:

Mainly Empower Network is divided into 7 memberships, each design to teach you exactly what you need to learn to successfully promote products and services online and offline.

In a nutshell it can be said Empower Network is cutting edge marketing information with practical tools you can use today.
Let’s go over each Empower Network membership so you have an idea of what you will be looking into.

Note: When you become an affiliate and buy any of the memberships you also buy the rights to retail the products for 100% of the commission.

Core Product #1 – Kalatu Basic Blogging System


Cost: The wordpress-focused blogging platform is $25 a month

What is Kalatu & Kalatu Premium?

The Kalatu viral blogging system is a done for you blogging platform with all the marketing needs for a successful and fully functional blog; it includes high converting capture pages to help you collect e-mails and start building a list of future buyers.

Along with the blogging system you will also get a 5-module “fast start” training videos that will show you in detail how to start blogging successfully.

Pros: If you are new to having your own website this is one of the fastest and easiest way to start getting your content online without the technical hazels it usually takes to start a website. With this blogging system you wont have to worry about hosting, or designing a site, which can be time consuming. Also If you are a new bloggers you will get great training on how to brand your business and start a profitable blog.

The squeeze pages that you get are a sweet marketing tool that can save you a lot of time when building your business. Since this is a monthly membership, when you buy and sale this product as an affiliate you will also be earning residual income.

Cons: If ranking in Google is important to you; sometimes the blogging platform can be a little less effective than WordPress sites to rank content. If you are looking to rank your content it’s a good idea to have an extra website with of an SEO-friendly theme, which of course can be more costly and time consuming.


Considering there aren’t any hidden cost or extras for everything you get the blogging platform is good value for your $25 bucks.

For the simplicity and a shorter learning curve to blogging this product its defiantly worth it.

Even thou you can use other blogging platforms to start blogging for “free” you can’t really promote or sales products on free platforms since they usually ban affiliate links. The viral blogging system is a great start if you are looking to profit from your blog.

Core Product #2: Inner Circle Audios Membership

empower network inner circle audios

Cost: $100 per month

What you get:

Think Amazon’s Audible.com but super concentrated with success, mindset and motivational audio recording, usually featuring top income earners inside Empower Network. Keep in mind some of these top earners were and are making up to $100,000 a month, so is very useful for an aspiring top earner to hear what these entrepreneurs have to say.

Pros: New audios are added to usually every other week, so there are always fresh audios to listen to. Also you can easily download audios to listen on your phone anytime.

Since this is a monthly membership, when you buy and sale this product as an affiliate you will also be earning residual income.

It’s kind of hard to find a lot of cons to this product, since one of the most important aspects one needs to work on to be really successful is MINDSET.

Regardless of how many great marketing tools you have at hand if your mindset is not where it needs to be chances are you may give up before seeing any real results.

There are a variety of different subjects and stories in the inner circle audios that make it a powerful and useful personal development tool.


Most entrepreneurs don’t spend nearly enough time to develop their mindset and strengthen their mind, the inner circle are a very useful set of audios that can even get the not so motivated entrepreneur a daily doses of motivation.

These audios can help you on daily basis if you listen to them consistently and are committed to your own success.

Core Product #3: Top Producer Formula

top producer formula by empower networkCost: $500 one time payment

What you get:

Formerly known as the Costa Rica Intensive, Top Producer Formula Elite Coaching and training is lead by none other than Dave Wood features 13 distinctly different tutorials and techniques on how to become a prolific producer inside any industry, company or opportunity you are involved with.

  • Module 1: Sponsoring and Selling
  • Module 2: Beliefs and Attitudes
  • Module 3: Lead Capture Pages
  • Module 4: Mechanics and Strategy
  • Module 5: Rapport & Responsiveness & Relationships
  • Module 6: Generating Highly Targeted Leads
  • Module 7: Closing and Signing People up on the Phone
  • Module 8: Upselling & Getting People All In
  • Module 9: Presentation Formula
  • Module 10: Live Internet Event Recruiting Strategy
  • Module 11: Live Local Event Recruiting Sales Strategy
  • Module 12: Creating Live Groups
  • Module 13: Painting a Vision for the Future

All are accompanied and made complete with study guides and note taking availability so you can really allow this information to sink in. Mind you Dave is responsible for creating over $150,000,000 in sales with Empower Network in under 4 years, despite all the hiccups, hassles and headaches.

You also get 11 high quality videos from a live event that took place in Costa Rica in 2011 before the official launch of the company was made public.
With each video you will get a checklist and quizzes that will assure you grasp the concepts and techniques explain on each module.

Pros: This is definitely a great product to learn many sales techniques and concepts.When it comes to marketing, techniques can be broken down into 2 categories: the dynamics of marketing that is the psychology and process that takes place.


The mechanics, which are more of the technical strategies on how to bring exposure to your content and how this is deliver. The Costa Rica intensive focuses on the dynamics of the marketing process, emphasizing on the psychology of business building strategies such as persuasion, leadership, automation, building authority and much more.

Cons: The training took place a few years ago but the concepts are still useful and very relevant today.

Core Product #4 : Team Building Formula

team building formula by empower neworkCost: $1,000 one time payment

What you get:

This membership is all about how to sale high commission products and build a team as well. You will get 11 leadership level lessons and webinars, available in your back office to replay any time. The Team Building Formula is presented by a master in high ticket sales that has made millions online selling high ticket products.

  • Module 1: Your Outcome, Teaching System and Expectations
  • Module 2: Core Concepts You Must Understand To Build This Business
  • Module 3: Team Building Principles – Part 1 – Law of Duplication
  • Module 4: Team Building Principles – Part 2
  • Module 5: Team Building Principles – Part 3 – Laws of Momentum & Tap Root
  • Module 6: Team Building Principles – Part 4 – Laws of Belief & Dream Building & Vision
  • Module 7: Your Team Activity System
  • Module 8: Team Building Formulas
  • Module 9: Q&A – How to Solve Any Problems Using the Team Building Formula

Pros: These pure content and value-driven training webinars are full of invaluable tips and tricks that you can apply right away in your business strategies.

Instead of focusing on bringing new costumers into the business these webinars are all about up selling your current customers into higher ticket products. This training goes over useful information, like high commission mindset, practical applications to get attention from current customers and how to overcome rejections, including sources for funding.

Just remember that in this line of work you want to learn from the best – and not hype, but people who have been there and done it time and time again. Dave, and now Chris, are proving they know exactly what needs to happen to make this business opportunity go to the moon and back – we highly recommend the Team Building training enlisted for anyone who does MLM or network marketing.

Core Product #5 : Mass Influence Formula

mass influence formula by empower networkCost: $3,500 one time payment

What you get:

These are a set of recorded trainings directly front top income earners and marketers inside empower network. They reveal the exact strategies they use to market their business and get more leads and customers.

  • Module 1: Mass Influence Defined
  • Module 2: Beliefs About People
  • Module 3: Unconscious Phenomenon
  • Module 4: Framework of Language Suggestions
  • Module 5: Patterns of Linguistic Influence (Part 1)
  • Module 6: Patterns of Linguistic Influence (Part 2)
  • Module 7: Patterns of Linguistic Influence (Part 3)
  • Module 8: Patterns of Linguistic Influence (Part 4)

Pros: This is hands down on of the most cutting edge marketing programs on what works right now to bring more eyeballs and online attention to your business.

Not only will you learn online strategies to bring more customers but also offline strategies to increase exposure to your business. Like we mentioned before when it comes to marketing there is the dynamics and the mechanics, The Mass Influence Formula is the mechanics, the exact, step by step methods you can use on How-To bring more customers to your business.


It’s hard to find any real cons to this product if you are serious on wanting to learn how to market online. The only problem may be the price point since it may not be easy for everyone to afford the product but once you are able to get it this membership will prove its value in gold.

Specialty Product #6: Unstoppable Dream

unstoppable dream by empower networkCost: $997 one time payment

What you get: Top Income Earners and Team Building Producers Rhonda Swan and Tracey Walker have paired up to give you one of the latest and greatest innovations inside Empower Network.

This one is a meaty sandwich of two of the internet’s finest and most respected female marketers. You can read our entire Unstoppable Dream product review here.

Pros: This training will tell you exactly how target market to potentially make serious money. The course will tell you how to sale and apply specific actionable, game-changing strategies that you can apply right away. There is also a lot of great content on leadership, personal development and how to become an expert in your specific target market. This membership offers a lot of complete strategies on how to successfully blog for profit.

The content was extremely comprehensive similar to the Team Building Formula. The information in this training can actually take you to making a lot of money per month.

You can resell this product for an awesome 50% commission rate which makes it worth every penny even more, because you can always get your initial investment back.

Cons: It is a very pricy product, even though some people can come up with the money not everyone will. Be sure to make sometime to watch this videos, even thou there is a lot of value deliver in each section, the videos can be a little long.

It’s a good idea to at least have some momentum in your business to really benefit and profit from this membership. Overall is a very good and throughout information product for the serious entrepreneur who is ready to take their business to the next level. If you are making sales in your business is a must have product.

Is Empower Network Right For You?

Just Get In. Just get ALL-In. That’s it. Period.

The product line inside Empower Network is pretty awesome and useful for anyone who really wants to master marketing online. I would say it would be wise to support and spread the word about this one.

To learn some of our secrets on how you can achieve your financial goals with online marketing, be sure to opt in here to receive practical tips from a make money expert, that you can apply to your business today!!

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