======= iPAS2 Supercharged PRO Update: March 2015 =======
The iPAS 2 marketing system innovation continues to be a genuine game changer and is soaring to new heights in 2015 with a superiorly strong and authentically astounding close to 2014.
In a Make Money Expert nutshell, we believe iPAS2 is the #1 online marketing success system available to supercharge your business fast. That’s it. Period.
You should consciously consider the craving desire-full crunch of a done for you, all in one hub of handsome enhancements and ‘alpha’ advancements to build your business and brand online.
Here’s a bite-sized, concentrated pill-form look at the new 2015 supercharged iPAS PRO Marketing System benefits:
- Improved sales funnels (with real data to prove it)
- Increased sales commissions (everyone wins)
- New training products (value and victorious methods to make money)
- Simplified “getting started” series (fully functional free trial options within minutes)
- Improved profit maximizer funnel (understanding the franchise-style success system)
- More system customization options (new comprehensive ipas2 affiliate members area)
- Improved tracking (vital and critical updates for your paid traffic strategies)
- BRAND NEW Customer Relationship Manager (true team-building connection methods)
- Rebuilt Coaching system (learn from and work 1 on 1 with expert iPAS2 coaches)
- New membership levels (gamification of leveling up, bonuses, contests)
- New iPAS2 and iPASTV weekly newsletters (working towards 50,000+ members)
The iPAS 2 Supercharged PRO System
We will continue to update about the new iPAS2 Supercharged PRO marketing system available NOW.
Watch this video to see how ipas2 is creating an ecosystem of ‘success that breeds success’ and will supercharge your efforts.
Please continue reading below to get our exclusive expert review of Internet Prospect Acceleration Systems 2.0
iPAS2 Review
iPAS2, not to be confused with Apple’s iPad tablets, is a digital “franchise-style” business success system developed and designed by internet marketing mogul and magnate Chris Jones.
I’ll be frank and fairly upfront with you from the jump – we are intimately involved with innovative iPAS 2 system due to a number of intriguingly-ironic factors and forces:
You see, Chris and I first crossed-paths dating back to early January 2007 and had similar and familiar tastes for business opportunities and marketing methods..
Now, before I bore you with our down and out bold backstory and up and triumphant golden journey since then, let’s fast to current times because that’s what matters most for YOU.
The Internet Prospect Acceleration System was born and conceptualized out of sheer lack and pure luxury – the ‘all-in-one’ necessity was never able…UNTIL NOW.
And because of Chris Jones’ IPAS personal success, V 2.0 is here with more bells and whistles than a ‘just married’ horse-n-buggy. Times done changed.
The sole goal and chief aim of iPAS 2 is to simplify and electrify the entire user experience which creates the ability to systematically streamline all notorious pitfalls and common hangups that nearly EVERY aspiring entrepreneur fails at.
When you click here to watch the IPAS2 Wealth Shortcuts video with Chris Jones and his apprentice Adam, you will see in a matter of minutes to a month the kind of potential elements and exponential enhancements that are all in play here – under 1 roof – 1 product line – 1 system – designed for US.
Because iPas 2 is 100% customizable and catered-to-you marketing platform you can bet your bottom dollar that it will help breakthrough many business barriers all at once – be prepared to absorb a lot of higher level truth about what is actually required and truly necessary to make money online and earn a residual income without you having to do everything under the sun just to see a return on your investment.
iPAS 2 comes with an incredible 100% risk free opportunity to test-drive the system all for yourself.
I asked Chris, why on earth are we giving away the farm with such a generous offer and opportunity to optimize with….it’s almost TOO EASY right?
.. and his response (not his rant on why people fail but how they can have success) was rather rationally-revolutionary .. he said, “because I believe if we take out all the guess work and grunt work and become success copilots for one another and provide people who have passion and purpose with the proper presentations, products, videos and systems that do all of the selling and telling for them that they can not fail…they just need to MODEL the MAESTRO – especially when iPAS system is masterfully sweetened with the ‘cherry on top’ option which includes the 1 on 1 prestigious and illustrious Personal Business Coaches add-on.”
You heard it straight and heavy from the horse’s mouth – this is going to boom with or without you – make a decision – timing is everything – this is BLOOD, SWEAT and YEARS in the making!
With more man hours and concentrated thought put into this than ANY other online business system that I have witnessed in my nearly 9 years full time internet network marketing career – you would be SILLY not to jump on this dealio of a lifetime.
No shortcuts in life? Pshhhh. Stop. That’s wildly outdated thinking and understanding. In other words, iPAS 2 is current, modern and wavy!
Let’s flip the transcript that transforms all tedious tasks and outsources the optimizing of things you do not want to do – that’s what the Internet Prospect Acceleration System (IPAS 2.0) did for me – and that’s why you see this ranked on the first page of google.
Now that we covered the dynamics of why this powerful success system is changing the internet marketing landscape, let’s cover the internal mechanics of iPAS2 so you know what you are getting before you decide to buy in to the concept of this 6 Figure Wealth Shortcut.
What is iPAS 2?
Before 2 there’s always 1 right – the original iPAS system hit the scene in 2011 and has never stopped evolving since – having been in the works for over 4 tried-and-tested years, iPAS 2.0 has adapted and adjusted quite exquisitely (and exotically) by joining forces with a top internet marketing company and product line, along with a group of veteran savvy marketers lead by of course Chris Jones.
And the virtual votes are in…. Mr. Jones considers his iPAS creation the peak and pinnacle of his professional career as a marketer and entrepreneur using the internet as a leveraging mechanism for duplicating and replication results for all members and affiliates.
He’s been busy innovating and reinvigorating in the industry of network marketing in multiple ways for years now and feels like he has perfected the ultimate development of business proposal and strategic selling all wrapped up into one simple system and opportunity.
Of course no one man is responsible for such an in-depth system, and just as the iPAS 2 video presentation eludes to, success leaves clues and his expertise and team of top-level programmers and marketing team have designed an amazing wealth shortcut for all of us to take maximum advantage of..
IPAS is your unique powerful system for recruiting and prospecting that can help affiliates turn more potential customers into real buyers and long term business associates without you doing anything you do not want to do – you just FOCUS on getting people to see the idea like you just have being here reading our review today!
IPAS2 is a complete internet marketing education hub that has put the pieces of the puzzle and maze together for you and will help capture targeted leads quickly and effortlessly – all while converting them into customers in an automated fashion – while presenting your primary business opportunity in an organized and simplistic way so your prospects can understand exactly how it works and why it is such a no-brainer to make money with.
Out of all the ‘backend businesses’ that iPAS 2 could have chosen to present inside the system, they have chosen Empower Network (a renowned business opportunity that has paid to the tune of $70 million dollars and growing to affiliates and members to date all through digital-based products).
Empower Network is a highly-regarded and specialized online blogging and internet marketing platform who has taken a hybrid approach to selling info products that can help you grow ANY business you choose. Yes they are a direst-sales company but also thousands of people show up to live events, weekly coaching calls, training webinars and ‘how to hangouts’ as a strategy that has kept their momentum going and the company growing for years now.
iPas 2 is designed to educate you and your consumers on why Empower Network is the perfect choice to ‘make money magic happen’ in the industry – and why iPAS can prove that – unconditionally!
A Secret Look Inside iPAS 2 Success System:
Chris and the iPAS team would kill me for showing you this – so keep it between us – but this is a MUST-SEE .. to give you an idea of what kind of influence and impact iPAS2 will have on your business results and success.
When it comes to launching a business online there are 2 options:
The Do It Yourself Model – Where you create your own products, have to Create content, find out what your customers want, expensive to start up, have to figure out how to sale on a website, create your own capture pages and also you will have to spend a lot of money to test what works and what doesn’t, since it takes a tremendous amount of tweaking for the final product to run and sale smoothly.
The Digital Franchise Style Model – Similar to an affiliate program, with products that are already proven and accepted by the marketplace, offers set up and reliable results, no guess work or need to test everything, low start up cost (which is big), assistance and support with a proven selling process, that can provide you consistent results. This is the business model ipas uses.
iPas uses a Digital Franchise Model supported by a one of a kind state of the art back office that was build by programmers and marketers to make it easy for you and your customers to navigate and bring over new team members and continue growing your organization.
iPas Members Area Backoffice Elements:
When we say Ipas has a unique back office, that’s exactly what we mean. The back office was completely design to support this system and it took a lot of man-hours and programming work to make it be what it is today. We want to do our best on this review to show you a little bit of the Ipas back office.
The back office was build upon 3 core principles to get the maximum financial results from the business.
• System
• Leverage
• Automation
The back office is broken down into several pieces and each of those pieces is broken down into further smaller sections, some of the major parts of the iPAS back office include:
The Formula – You will be taken here right after the sales video and go over the 5 sections that will explain the whole IPAS system to you.
Dashboard – 7 sections to check statistic and quick access to connecting with your team, including a Facebook style message system.
Set up wizard – 7 sections to help you open shop and set up your business.
Training Center – 5 Training courses and access to products.
Marketing Center – Commissions, access to already done-for-you capture pages, marketing tools, campaign stats, downline and members information.
Community – A chance to interact with all iPas users and see leaderboards
The iPAS2 Successs Formula
Soon after you watch THIS Capture VIDEO — And get access to the back office you will be prompt to watch what they call “The formula” video series.
This “formula” video series section is broken down into 5 parts, you will have to watch each of these videos so you can really understand how to use the system and how to make the maximum profits with the process.
The parts in this section are divided as follow:
#1 – Success Formula – In this video you will learn the 3 component of the success formula:
• System
• Leverage
• Automation
The purpose of the formula is to get people to your website as fast as possible, do all the selling for you by educating your prospects and then help them make a decision based on that information.
#2 – System – In this video you will find how the system works and what makes IPas one of the most profitable opportunities to date by combining a done for you business with a low start up cost opportunity.
#3 – Traffic – This section will enlighten you with one of the most important pieces of the formula, getting traffic; In other words people to see your offers. Ipas provides a lot of valuable training that will take all the guesswork away and shorten your learning curve when it comes to traffic.
#4 – Products – This section will introduce you to the products, and how the big money is made. This is where over 60% of your income can be made, if you qualified to sale these products. They will explain everything about it on this video.
#5- Getting Started- In this section you will learn how to get started using the ipas system and begin to build your business online.
Plus you will learn about product maximizers and how to take advantage of them.
Setting Up iPas For Business
Once you have made a decision to try iPAS risk free, the system will take you to the set up wizard. This is essentially where you will be setting up shop to get in business!
This section is broken down into 7 parts; again you will watch videos that will explain everything. On this section you will get to set up your business before prospects start coming to the door.
Auto responder – Set your auto-responder to catch leads as they come in from the already set up capture pages.
Email List– Choose which email list you will be sending prospects to.
Payments – Set up e-wallet to receive payments as customers come in.
Coaching – Choose whether you want to have a coach helping you greed and your upsell customers as they come into the system.
Black Card – This part activates the black card membership, access to create the maximum income potential with Ipas.
iPAS 2 Core How To Marketing Training:
Next in the Back office is the training Center.
The training center is jam pack with training from some of the best marketers in the industry.
As we told you earlier Ipas promotes the Empower Network products, so you will be able to unlock the information in the training center according to the empower network products that you own.
The training center is broken down into 5 sections:
Keep in mind Ipas helps you resale every one of this memberships for 100% of the commissions, they even have coaches to help you close the sales. In other words you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.
Fast Start $25/ month – This section has 3 videos that will break down exactly the first steps to put action into your business. To get access to the fast start training is that will also give you access to the Empower Network blogging platform.
Pro $100/ month – This action has 7 videos and also includes the inner circle membership inside the Empower Network. The inner circle is a pack of audios that is update on a daily basis to help you tune your mindset for success. Aside of the inner circle you will find a lot of powerful training inside Ipas as well.
Silver $500/ One Time – This is a course that focuses on showing you how to do effective marketing on social media sites, 6 videos of pure content. This membership also gives you access to the Costa Rica Mastermind inside Empower Network, a training that helps you understand the psychology of marketing, selling and much more.
Gold – $1500/ One Time – This is a course that focuses on traffic, 4 videos of pure content. With this membership you will also have access to the 15k formula, which is one of the most valuable products in empower Network when it comes to telling you exactly “HOW TO” marketing strategies for promoting the business.
Black $3000/ one time – This is the product that will show you exactly how to scale your business to make anything from 20k a month to the sky is the limit. There are 2 valuable videos in this training session that will show you powerful traffic strategies.
Additionally you will have access to the Master retreat from Empower Network, which is one of the most important info products to scale and leverage your business.
iPAS 2.0 Highlights
Ipas Squeeze pages and Websites:Ipas offers professionally made capture pages that have been tested and proven to convert.
Ipas Email Sequence: You will have access to professionally written emails, where you will only have to add a little bit of your personal touch.
Ipas advertising Co-op: You will have access to co-ops and high converting traffic sources.
Ipas call center and sales team: Have access to coaches and a professional sales team that will help you make more sales and increase your conversions.
Ipas Training – Lots of training by people who are using the system and are having lucrative results.
Ipas System Conclusion
What a time warp right? Back then we were two young hopeful ‘online marketers’; ambitious, self-discipline entrepreneurs searching to “make money magic happen” by building and leveraging personal websites, team duplication, automated systems, business opportunities and successful solo ventures – now – it’s all boiled down to ONE SYSTEM!
To sum it up, The iPas 2 success system is a pretty complete program that is already helping thousands of marketers all over the world generates a lucrative income using the Internet. It doesn’t get any better. Even thou this review is pretty complete and through, pointing out all the highlight of Ipas, you will get much more value if you go over the videos and see for your self exactly what Ipas can do for your business and your financial success.