Team Building Formula

Empower Network strikes again with yet ANOTHER launch into the internet marketing space under the appropriately-anointed title of the Team Building Formula.

Great right? Another flavor of the week? Maybe month?

What is in it for YOU – the avid searcher and hopeful seeker – of how to build a business and earn a lifestyle worth living right?

How about we show you what Empower Network’s Team Building Formula looks like from the inside out so you can make a better informed and educated decision right now.

Whether or not another one of David Wood’s industry-famed masterpieces is right for you and your income producing objectives – you will at least get our version of the truth about making money like an expert.

The above are valid questions that we will attempt to answer in all of our expertise and experience that we have accumulated and accomplished over the years of seeing companies, opportunities and businesses a-like come and go no matter how many products or services are being envisioned and introduced to the marketplace.

There is ALWAYS one underlying issue and factor – VALUE.

Before we even jump into that, anyone who is interested in learning or becoming an online network marketing expert has to know the upfront value and importance of building a team for long term (or even short term) residual income.

It is a must no matter what way you look at it if you are building any sort of MLM pyramid or affiliate marketing referral based model inside the direct sales atmosphere.

Last month, we all witnessed a $1.4 million dollar product launch inside EN known as the Top Producer Formula which was a success for active affiliates and members (only) who had previously been established and building inside the network of empower – the new person (yes you) is highly debatable which we will cover at the end.

Ironically, the Team Building Formula gameplan was laid and the foundation played upon that the TPF launch of $1.4 million was essentially a proving point that Dave can sell anything to anyone (especially his TEAM) no matter what the landscape or dynamic is about at its core.

You be the neutral judge of what that means. Let’s continue.

The Team Building Formula Reviewed

Let’s cover all of the “Learn the Art of Promotional Plays” modules of the TBF product so you can better guess to see if this chess match of information and product launching is the right fit for you – the ambitious and hungry business builder:

Struggling to Think of Tactics to Get People to the Webcast? Start by Focusing on Your Audience

Whether you realize it or not, you, and all other individuals, have a network of people that you can reach out and advertise to. Simply put, this means that you need to start thinking about who exactly your network and audience is, and what you can do in order to share the webcast with them.

For those individuals who are particularly active on social media and with the Internet, the people that you should reach out to may be on things such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

However, if you have not been harnessing the power of social media for a substantial amount of time, or you are just simply new to the affiliate niche, it is in your best interest to instead get people to the webcast via word of mouth. Talk to your family and friends, and have them talk to other people they know as well.

If you are not sure which tactic you should try, and you are feeling a bit lost, it’s time for you to sit down and do some brainstorming. Start by deciding who exactly needs this product, and then match that description up with people you know. Think of individuals who are entrepreneurs, in the sales industry, are starting their own businesses, or something similar. If you manage to find people that you have a personal connection with, this will substantially help you in the future.

Once you do this, you need to start focusing on finding other people that have their own audiences that you can reach out to and connect with. Brainstorm some ways that you can get in touch with them and have access to their connections.

Here are some different promotional ideas that will wind up coming in handy:

Promoting Offline:

• Make a few phone calls to family members, co-workers, colleagues, and friends.
• Put a listing in the classifieds, including sites such as Craigslist.
• Find local groups in your area that you think you can reach out to.
• Invite other people who are in the same industry, but that you may not know too well personally.

Promoting Online:

• Design free resources that you can give to people.
• Send out an email to the people whose contact information you already have.
• See if you can write a guest post for another site.
• Utilize social media sites for free advertisement.
• Consider running a Facebook ad.
• Try to get on someone else’s mailing list.
• Buy advertising space on other sites.
• Include a link in your regular email’s signature.
• See if you can put together a hangout or something similar.

Promoting on Your Blog

• Include a link in each of your posts.
• Add a banner to your site’s sidebar.
• Install a popup ad.

Don’t Limit Your Creativity!

All of these are great ways to get the word out, but they are by no means the only ways. If you have a great idea that you really want to try, and it’s not on here, try it anyways. Also, feel free to combine a few of these, or spice an individual one up. Sometimes the best ways to get people’s attention is to do something unusual.

Here’s a Closer Look at the Modules That We Use for Team Building:

Team Building Formula Module 1: The Vision

Recruiting and sponsoring people is just the first step. Once you do this, there may still be many problems that you will potentially face. In fact, some of these challenges may include:

• Your team hitting a plateau and failing to continue growing.
• Your team falling apart once you have created it.
• Not getting the desired results, despite the fact that your team is working hard and doing everything that it is supposed to.
• One of your main leaders deciding to leave the team.
• Not having enough time to take care of the real issues, and instead being focused on the small things that take up way too much time.

These challenges are frustrating and they are debilitating. They get in the way and they can prevent you from having complete freedom within your career. However, keep in mind that you are not the only person that is dealing with these issues. They are common and widespread, and everyone faces them at some point. With our modules, you can successfully overcome them in no time.

Team Building Formula Module 2: Building Business Blocks

Start by understanding the dynamic of a team system.

• It is very important that you are able to tell the difference between a person that should be active in the founding of a team system, and a person that shouldn’t.
• You will also eventually have the tools to duplicate your team. You can achieve this by creating successful systems that allow you to recreate what you have done in the past.
• These same systems should also enable your team to both grow and continue its success.

Understanding How Duplication Works.

• To put a seemingly complicated subject in simple terms, duplication is merely your team being able to make sales without you being present.
• However, duplication also consists of making systems that cause the people that you make sales with to then resell the product on their own.

Your Beliefs Also Affect Your Actions

• Our modules will help individuals to change their beliefs on the inside, which will in turn affect them on the outside.
• A change in belief directly results in a change in actions.

Develop Your Own Vision

• It is pivotal that you have your own personal vision, and that other people find this vision to be appealing.
• Selling a company, service, or product is simply the act of selling your underlying vision. This vision is what is going to keep people around, and it is what is going to attract people in the first place.

Hone Your Motivation

• You need to have a deep motivation that is internal. It cannot just disappear at anytime, or dissipate. If it does, you won’t be able to successfully continue building teams.

TBF Module 3: The Principles of Team Building

How Duplicating Works

• Incorporate stories into your teachings, and you will catch people’s attention.
• Using certain online portals, such as Google Hangout or another interactive system will help to establish your authority and allow you to interact with potential customers. It also establishes social authority, which will directly cause people to listen to you.
• No matter what you are doing, you are promoting. Whether you are simply talking to individuals offhandedly about your event, or are advertising online, it is all promotion.
• Every second that you aren’t interacting with someone or promoting, you’re wasting precious time that could have been spent increasing awareness about your product and service.
• If you duplicate a strategy and it takes more time to implement than it did the first time, something is wrong. This is a time trap and this is not something that you want to be stuck in.
• All of the activities that you have new individuals do when they join your business should also directly result in even more new people joining.
• Always make sure that all of your strategies are realistic and sustainable.
• Keep in mind that not everyone is a leader, and that is perfectly okay. People shouldn’t be forced into this position.

TBF Module 4: The Principles of Team Building Cont’d

How Duplicating Works

• The best way to teach others is to have them do the activities with you. Thus, don’t do anything alone. Instead, always do things in groups.
• Always focus on two main things: bringing in new people in order to find out who the leaders are, and using the leaders in order to bring in even more people.
• Keep in mind that the only time that you are actually training people is when you are selling and they are observing. Other than that, the system is what trains people, not you. This is efficient and it is something that just needs to be accepted.

TBF Module 5: The Principles of Team Building

Understanding Momentum

• Although this may seem very straightforward, it is important to know: when you stop something, you will eventually have to start it again. This is inconvenient and a huge waste of time, so you want to avoid stopping things as much as you possibly can.
• Because things always change so easily and quickly, it is important that you build timeless systems that stay up to date despite any of these major changes. You do not want to have to constantly recreate things simply because they are outdated. This is a waste of time, and you will always be forced to start at the beginning if you must do this.
• In order to be as efficient as possible, you need to have one goal in mind and one goal only. This will help you to stay consistent and focused despite any challenges that may come your way.
• Try to excite as many people at the bottom as you possibly can. This will start a fire that will eventually reach the top, and it will prove to be very effective.
• To put it simply, you are the person who determines how much your team is able to grow or not. If you constrain your team’s potential growth levels, you are the reason that they will no longer be able to transform and become more successful. Essentially, if you want your team to grow, you need to grow as well.
• Whenever something bad happens, the best way to solve the situation is to cause a distraction. Do something new and so positive that people will no longer be able to pay attention to what happened beforehand.

TBF Module 6: The Principles of Team Building

Creating a vision and dream

• The new people in your organization are the lifeblood of your organization. Because of this, you want to constantly look for people who will make your organization grow and stay motivated. If the people at the bottom are not excited, the people at the top most definitely will not be.
• If you want to change what your team is doing, you need to change what they believe. Once you change a person’s beliefs, their energy will change as well.
• As a person who is in charge of building a team, you need to focus on building dreams for your fellow team members. This will make them passionate and focused, which will allow the entire team to be more productive in the end.
• No matter what you do, you must make sure that all of your actions are aligned with your team’s overall goal. Even the smallest action can have an impact on your team, and this is something that you must always keep in mind.
• Make sure that your vision is compelling enough for other people to believe in it as well. You believing in your vision is not enough. No matter how great your vision may seem to you, you need other people to believe in and support it as well.
• As your team grows, expands, and becomes more successful, it becomes more powerful. This is great and should be your overall goal.

TBF Module 7: Creating Your Team’s Perfect System

• Make a reasonable schedule: As all team activities should be done in groups, it’s important that you make a schedule that your entire team can keep to. Doing so will allow everyone to stay on track and will make sure that there are no miscommunications or confusion.
• Try to schedule monthly activities: Do something as a team each month. This will help to build skills related to teamwork, and will make sure that everyone continues to stay in touch.
• Incorporate quarterly activities: These are generally national activities and events that you should participate in.

TBF Module 8: Formulas for Solid Team Building

What exactly is team building?

Team building is simply getting your team to work together in a way where everyone is headed in the same direction. Almost always, this same direction should be to make more sales.

Ways to build your organization:

• One of your responses should always be selling.
• The same goes for upselling.
• One of your goals should constantly be promoting.
• If there is an objection, your response should be to promote or sell.
• As always, use story patterns.

Conflict Resolution: When you are building a team, you need to be willing to solve problems. Running away from them will no longer be an option.

Amidst all of the internal product launches has emerged one superiorly bright spot and turning point of Empower which (finally) saw the release of highly anticipated and coveted iPAS 2 or internet prospect acceleration system and has really revived and regenerated the core affiliate base inside EN.

Make sure you see how to build the ultimate team with your new blogging system in Empower Network’s Kalatu ENV3.

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