Empower Network is at it again with its newest creation to their passion-driven product line; Top Producer Formula.
With a culturally-rich, holistic mission in mind, EN’s TPF is truly about the collective potential of a powerful community who comes together, shares success, and repeats real results for rapid rapport.
Since the beginning, Empower Network has been a global betterment ‘think-tank in action’ (learning while earning and doing) that has been the driving force and catalyst for change for many contributing members and affiliates.
Now…Top Producer Formula is here, a new whole system solution that focuses on the features (leads into leaders) you need to be free of frustration in creating a legitimate, profitable, residual business.
David Wood, who’s game-changing vision has pioneered and engineered an entire movement (internet income age ideas/industry opportunities) that has gone against the grain time and time again only to come out of the rain pain-free and surviving, shining with success and your best chance at winning the money-game odds…
As an updated aspect – you can see the newest of EN’s launches Team Building Formula here.
Transforming within a community from the ground up, inside and out; you will visually see the vital integrity, diverse expertise, and unstoppable commitment that is building a thriving group of creative social entrepreneurs who are producing incredible profits.
Being a Top Producer and Income Earner does require a formula. A sales funnel, marketing system and creative ambition are just a few elements that makes urgent results come full circle.
One of the biggest core commitments and pillars thus far has been the promotion of self-determination and dynamic self-governance.
While some are quick to label and title all of this “positive thinking/law of attraction/new-age voo-doo”, the pillars of penetrating perspectives, here are shared in a brilliant way that I have never seen in nearly a decade of full-time marketing online.
If you landed on this website searching for a throughout review about Top Producer Formula by Empower Network you are at the right place – with the right people – with the right passion.
I would highly recommend our iPAS 2 success system review here.
What is Top Producer Formula?
Top Producer Formula is a new marketing training program designed to help you figure out exactly what you are missing that is preventing you from making real money in your online business.
The program is a complete “transform your presence” digital course designed by some of the top earning millionaires in the industry of internet marketing…that says as much as…
The curriculum of the system reveals unique selling strategies that support your improvement and responsiveness towards your business. The thoughtful-tactics in these marketing modules have generated over $160 million for affiliates, members, and customers in pay outs since October 2011.
Now, ALL of Empower Network’s history, hustle and heart is rolled up into the Top Producer Formula.
What kind of information can I expect to find in Top Producer Formula?
EN’s TPF is broken down into 13 modules, of which below you can read a brief breakdown of what bullet points of each:
First off, you should always have your focus on income-producing, money-making activities if you want to achieve financial success and all the lifestyle hype that comes with it. Those activities are: producing new sales and prospecting/recruiting.
Focusing on other activities will not help you create influence, sponsor the star-studded leaders, build massive organizations or help you reach the lifestyle freedom you desire.
It is not your responsibility to reinvent the wheel. Until you’re making a minimum of $30,000 a month, your focus should be on selling and sponsoring. Sorry, nothing else.
The real secret to sponsoring leaders is to bring in two people a day.
One of the biggest reasons why people fail to ever get real results is due to a ‘dirty myth’ that’s floating around in this profession which is that we’re told it’s easy when we get in.
Your inner-beliefs affect your business and when they’re not serving you, you must change them.
To be a Top Producer you must identify which limiting beliefs and values are holding you back and replace them with positive limiting beliefs and values, which will enable you to move in a direction, that’s going to help you create results.
Your beliefs, the information in your mind, your values, all the way to your actions need to be in complete and total alignment.
You have to be aligned in a single direction if you want to accomplish your outcomes, if you want to create a big result, if you want to create a big team, if you want to recruit a lot of people and if you want to sell a lot of products.
A great opportunity will excite people to join. Your belief in your team and their ability to succeed is what will excite people to stay.
Becoming a Lead Capture Page Demigod.
You can know all there is to know about sales and persuasion, but if you don’t have anyone to persuade, it won’t really matter. What you need are people who want what you have to offer…
I’m talking about leads. And online, you can only collect leads one way…
Lead capture pages, squeeze pages, opt-in pages…
Whatever you call’em, these are the most important online recruiting tools that you MUST know like the back of your hand:
Empower Network CMO, Mars, Rob Rammuny, Resident Marketing Prodigy, who’s built out some of the highest performing Lead Capture pages in online marketing, are also sharing attributes of awareness when it comes to page setup, layout, structure and flow.
Together, Mars and Rob are going to show you how the pros and experts do it…
These guys are going to bring the heat and drop some lead page knowledge on you that literally no one else knows, including:
The EXACT 5 top-performing lead pages and precisely WHY they work to get you more leads than ANYTHING else, plus… The secret tool that industry-insiders use to create the highest-converting lead pages with under 9 mouse clicks…
You make money by selling something and to do that you must build a list, present to the list and close the list.
The important thing to understand about anything that works is that it’s not the strategy that’s making it work. The strategy is just a way to make the principle behind what you’re doing work.
The first step in recruiting and getting someone to look at a presentation is you must create rapport and value in order for people to look at something.
Rapport is responsiveness. If you want to recruit, you need someone who responds to you like you have social authority. If people respond to the way you behave and respond to your questions, they respond to your energy.
Most people build their business depending on the skills of people in their team. The problem is that their team doesn’t have any skills.
The fastest way to build rapport is by uncovering your prospect’s problems and leading them to the solution.
As you give people solutions to the problems they’re having right now, you will build rapport and responsiveness with them over time.
If you’re speaking to their problems and showing them how to overcome those problems, they’re going to start to trust you with business information.
To create responsiveness with a list you have to give value so people will look at your stuff and respond to it.
Target specific problems that you can solve in your business. When you solve those problems, you give people value, they will then listen to you and keep listening to you for a long time.
Focus on online methods such as Facebook, Craigslist and Online Magazines to get leads to local events.
It’s important to have a specific process from room set-up to how introductions are made to how testimonials are shared to how your presentation is shared so that you can be most effectively in delivering your offering and converting sales
Your competition makes it easy for you to bring new people into your business because they focus on sell-sell-sell, failing to understand the most important element of selling is understanding your prospect’s problems.
The key to unlocking more sales, deepening rapport and building a stronger organization is to help solve the problems people are having.
Do this by asking questions that will allow you to uncover the problems they are experiencing.
You’re going to get better results with people when you find out what they want and connect with that. They’re going to stick around longer and buy more from you.
People respond to pitches when you give them value.
Objections do not exist. Objections are simply questions you’re prospect has which you have not yet answered.
They’re joining you, your vision and the belief that, if they join you, they’re going to get what they want.
As a leader to your team and organization it is your responsibility to lead by example. If you’re not going to get in the top package you can in your business, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
The two ways to upsell people in your organization are to lead by example and to get in touch with their core desires, which are one to two steps beneath what they say they want.
The same conversations can average $1,000 rather than $25 when you focus on getting to someone’s core desires.
If you don’t have information about what they want, you have no leverage.
Focus on their core desires isn’t just for sponsoring but also for leading your team. If you don’t know what your team wants, you can’t help them get it and you can’t influence them.
There’s a 12-step formula to creating presentations that goes across different mediums of presentations from the Internet, to conference calls to hotel meetings.
1.Get their attention
2.Develop a relationship
3.Earn the Right
4.Clarify their problem
5.Show them a solution
6.Set clear expectations
7.Provide social proof
8.Present the benefits
9.Provide an irresistible offer
10.Take away their risk
11.Give them a reason to take action
12.Provide a clear call to action
Language to invite people to a team hangout:
We’re going to do a special team hangout where we’re going to teach you some strategies to build your business faster, make more money and recruit more people with less work. Can I count on you to make it?
Your sales will go down if your focus is on helping everyone. It’s important to focus on producing.
You will generate more sales and create more upsells when you realize you can’t help everyone. You limit access to yourself and help people on your team in groups.
Teach people to give results-based testimonials which are concise, talk about before and after the problem, then the solution and what happened specifically as a result.
Magic closing formula:
“What did you like best about the presentation?”
“Yes, I thought so, too. It sounds like you’re ready to get started.”
“How do you want your name spelled on your checks?”
“Welcome aboard. We’re having a team call tomorrow night. It’s private. I’m going to send you an exclusive invite to our Facebook group.
Using online and offline marketing, Keala teaches how to leverage the Internet to pack a room full of prospects to leverage a presentation.
Goal is to stop being the hunter and start being the hunted.
He teaches you how to leverage the Internet to automate your registration process for your live event.
He shares tools to automate the process without having to pick up the phone.
Keala teaches specific details about creating an event funnel including registration page, thank you page and email communication. And, teaches how to do this without using the phone and shares all specific tools and links.
Doing live groups will force you to get people to attend, your communication skills will start to improve, and you’ll start getting really good at doing calls to action.
When you show up live in front of people each week, you’ll start to develop a charismatic following.
When you’re willing to connect with people, you’ll increase the amount of sales you do from very small lists
Three steps to the Law of Attraction are to have a clear outcome on what you want to accomplish, chunk towards your sources of motivation and take massive action with whatever it is you know how to do.
Top Producers don’t worry about being perfect, they take action, and they adjust their actions with feedback and new information.
“Since you’re never going to be perfect anyway, you might as well just take action right now.”
It’s important to study, do and teach simultaneously.
People who create amazing things in their lives act as if things are happening that seem impossible to others.
Everything you learn has challenges but when you’re motivated, you step into your future and create what you want.
When you’re focused on an outcome, all of your energy and attention is poured into that outcome, you stay focused on it, you talk about it and you act on it.
It’s imperative that you believe in your dreams and your ability to accomplish them. Everything you do matters.
For those who want to find out more about Top Producer Formula should see our Empower Network Review.
Also make sure you see the new ENV3 KALATU Blog from Empower Network!