If you landed on this page, its likely that you searching for more information about Frank Kern and some of his business ventures.
Who is Frank Kern?
Frank Kern is a successful online marketer, who is rated by many as one of the top gurus in the marketing industry today.
His laidback style, charming and business acuity has accumulated him a large and loyal consumer base. Most of his info products typically run from $1500 and up a tag price that has become popular among knowledgeable and savvy Internet marketers.
How did Frank Kern Get Started?
Frank Kern began his sales and marketing career as a door-to-door salesman for credit card systems, during this beginning times he experienced a lot of rejection.
Later he borrowed a few Tony Robbins (personal development, mindset training) tapes from his stepfather and began to work on the mindset that soon lead him to establish a successful business online.
He began learning about online marketing after he bought a $297 course on how to make money online by Cory Rudl.
Frank implemented a few techniques he learned from the course and began to see results. Even thou he didn’t see huge results right away he was encourage with the progress and decided to keep trying.
Beginnings of Frank Kern
For his first online business venture he hired a free lance writer who help him write the e-book “Teach Your Parrot To Talk” after some keyword research he figured the “training pets niche” was a big niche and decided to give it a try. He created a residual $3000 income from this e-book alone.
After his small success he began to think outside the box and started writing e-book for animal trainings, everything from dogs, cats you name it. He created a solid business online from e-books and realized how much he enjoyed making money online and teaching others how to do it.
Shortly after he sold his animal training business and began to venture in a variety of niches from dating, to teaching others how to create a profitable business form home.
After 10 years in the industry Frank has made over 28 million dollars and continues to create info product in selected niches.
Some of Frank’s best info products include:
• Mass Control 2.0 (re-launched Sep, 2011)
• List Control
• Screw Google System (created with Trey Smith)
• Pipeline Profits
• Serializer Seminar
• Infomillionaire
• Mass Conversion (2014)
Frank Kern attributes his success online to his belief that everything is possible when you don’t give up and continue pursuing.
He understands the importance of building a strong mindset and knows he could have never done it without the Tony Robbin’s tape which helped initiated his work on his personal development and granted him a higher believe on himself.
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