Zhunrize Review

Zhunrize is an online-based product brokerage company that operates in the multilevel marketing space. The company uses a direct sale approach to sale a variety of product in multiple markets.

Zhunrize has a combined professional marketing team with over 8 decades of experience in areas like; IT Management, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing.

ZHUNRIZE-logoThe idea behind the Zhunrize e-commerce business model is to operate as an online-shopping portal.

Now-a-days, these are becoming the standard and norm for cashback rewards, rebates, and deals of this nature. As the prevalence of online shopping networks continues to rise, we can expect more and more opportunities try to take their piece of the pie and share of the marketplace.

Just a note (seeing how we are experts) that someone will gobbled up this internet “MLM online shopping network business opportunity” space…whether Zhunrize or Dubli or a few others – someone will conquer that honor.

Zhunrize’s uniquely-promising platform does its best to stay fresh and up to date by offering relevant deals people want and buy.

The company operates under a business building system they refer to as “ZhunCity, The Online Saving Store” – a place where you can find an aggregation and collection of shopping deals and discounts on a wide-variety and range of products.

Zhunrize Business Opportunity Concept

zhuncity-dealsShopping online is not going anywhere. And aside from the discounts, when you join Zhunrize, you may also take part in the wealth transfer and earn money as an affiliate by showing others ‘the plan’.

To become an affiliate and earn commissions on their shopping network, Zhunrize offers the ability for entrepreneurs to become independent E-commerce Business Owners.

In a nutshell, when you become a business owner you will have access to your own personalized shopping store, making it available to potential customers can shop and buy what you select. This gives you an opportunity to provide buyer’s savings while earning commissions at the same time.

Hot concept, and like we said, SOME company will take over this entire space of MLM shopping networks. What we ask is what the Zhunrize difference is?

One of the better advantages of the Zhunrize online store that we could find is it’s appearance, resembling a very professional and easy to use platform.

How to become a Zhurize business owner?

As a company Zhunrize offers 5 different ways to become a business owner:

1 – Premier Online Saving Store – This options offer the most return on investment and requires and initial one time $3000 payment plus a $100 monthly fee.

2 – Pro Online Savings Store – This option requires a $1500 one-time fee plus a $75 monthly cost.

3- Basic Online Saving Store – This option requires a $495 one-time fee and a $50 monthly payment

4 – ECR Online Saving Store – This requires a one-time $99 one-time fee plus a $30 monthly payment

5- ICR (Don’t own a Personalized online store) – $0 first time payment and a $20 monthly fee.

Zhunrize Compensation Plan Highlights

• Zhunrize offers a variety of real time products your customers can buy while you earn real time commissions.
• Residual income from Presidential sales profit pool
• Weekly leadership bonuses
• 2 X 5 matrix style compensation plan and commissions
• Earn daily from profit sharing pool

Click Here to check out a through out video of the Zhunrize Compensation plan ⇐==

As you can see this business opportunity offers a variety of prices to join from. Depending on how serious you are about the business and how much you plan to earn, some of their options offer a low start up cost as well as higher packages that allow you to earn more per sale.

Is Zhunrize a Scam? – Final Thoughts

Zhunrize is definitely not a scam and many savvy entrepreneurs are already earning commissions from the company.

One thing that is positive about the company is that unlike other MLM’s Zhunrize offers discounts on products that customers want to buy and are looking for.

A very important thing to understand is that like anything in this niche you have to keep in mind that recruiting its essential for major success, specially if you are planning to work Zhunrize as your primary business. In other words to have major success with this MLM is key that you can recruit people and get them to use your online store to make purchases and shop from.

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