Crowd Force traffic software program is created by popular internet entrepreneur Steve Clayton (from North Carolina) and is based on premise that everyone and every business needs traffic to run, flow and become profitable.
We talk about this concept and philosophy in our High Traffic Academy review, but we will focus and concentrate on what Crowd Force offers and what their unique selling point and proposition is.
If you found this CrowdForce review, likely you already are up to speed on the 2 major ways to generate internet-oriented traffic – paid and free – which would be in the form of email solo ad clicks or adwords etc – and then of course the ‘free’ or less risky side of business which would be SEO (search engine optimization) methods in which you target certain keywords and particular phrases in order to gain that search volume and increase your website’s visibility and traffic (we talk about this extensively on various parts of this website).
So now that we can all agree that every business, big or small, needs targeted traffic to thrive and transform into a legitimate money making endeavor. The question remains, where does CrowdForce source their ‘original, unique’ visitors/clicks/traffic from – this is the proverbial million dollar question every internet marketer is accustomed to by now.
Here are the listed advertised benefits of Steve Clayton’s CrowdForce traffic generation:
- Traffic is 100% FREE .. it won’t cost you a dime (the expert in us says whoa, wow, no way, red flags raised)
- You’ll be in 100% control of your traffic (whatever this means)
- You can finally tap into laser-targeted BUYER visitors (oh the irony of this one – stay tuned)
- There’s no required or prior experience needed, its all user-friendly and successfully setup for you to use right away (the over-used and abused done for you pitch glitch)
- Crowd Force traffic can be applied and implemented towards any online business opportunity – affiliate, amazon, kindle etc – (I guess this one is slightly more entertaining)
It looks like that’s all the secrets of Crowd Force’s leveraged selling points that he has mentioned in his self-written review. In a nutshell, what Steve is rehashing is that no barriers or roadblocks will stand in your way if you buy his coveted traffic generation software program (I guess he is a nice guy for sharing, truth is, we need to test that quality as soon as available).
He compares Crowd Force to a high-powered weapon that will sky rocket traffic by 850% or more .. where these weapons, rockets, and percentages come from is yet to be witnessed.
Steve also claims and calls attention to how reliable and sustainable his traffic source is, pointing out that you are not that mercy of google or any other search engines so you can ‘control your destiny’.
One good note to wrap up this overview on is that he does not have additional expenses or sneaky hidden upsells along with lifetime access to Crowd Force. It is designed and developed so you own the data retrived and gained so that is a huge plus (assuming its primary focus is on quality, not quantity).
In closing, Steve Clayton’s Crowd Force traffic is fresh off the press and needs further examination in order to appropriately label and categorize this software.
Until then, make sure you follow us and optin to receive our email about how we partnered up with 2 entrepreneurs who are taking local lead generation business model to the next level!