
Zija Review

Like many of its counterparts, Zija sells a better way of living. Translated through its product offerings, this means better health, better looks, more energy, and the chance to make money passing on the word about the products and the company.

But we’re always looking for what gives a company an edge over its competitors- whether it’s a superior management team, incredible products, celebrity endorsement, or a can’t-be-beat compensation plan.

With Zija, we found that they had two things going for them- the product and their Founder. Here’s that story…

The Zija Founder & Why He Matters

Kenneth Brailsford is something of a pioneer in the herbal supplement world. His fame and expertise harken back to the 1970s, when he single-handedly developed the herbal capsule market, earning the name Father of Herbal Encapsulation.

He also started Nature’s Sunshine back then, and ran it for some time. You may have heard of it, as one of the world’s oldest and most successful herbal supplement companies, still in operation today.

Mr. Brailsford also made a name for himself by publishing The Herbalist magazine, which he eventually sold. Later, he and his wife plus a third person started what would eventually become The Enrich Corporation. This company was the world’s largest producer of capsules-only and put out around 2 billion per year.

He retired in 1997 but was transfixed by a Discovery Channel documentary he saw on the benefits of the Moringa Tree. That passion was where Zija began.

The Zija Products

Zija’s first product based on the anti-oxidant properties of the Moringa tree was Goyin™ juice. Now, there are four major categories of products, all based on ingredients derived from “nature’s miracle tree”, the Moringa:

  1. Weight Management System Products.
  2. Liquid Nutritionals.
  3. Energy and Performance.
  4. Skin Care.

What is The Moringa Tree?

The World Health Organization has put tons of research and faith into the Moringa tree, for its ability to feed people as well as keep them healthy and help with water management.

Biologically speaking, Moringa Oleifera is from the same group of “power greens” as wheat grass and spirulina. It’s rich in the following nutrients:

  • iron
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • sulfur
  • B vitamins
  • amino acids
  • Vitamin A
  • 3-5 more beta carotene than carrots
  • 4 times the calcium of milk
  • there are over 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds

It’s no exaggeration to state that Moringa is one of the most nutritionally dense plants on earth. Zija’s motto Drink Life In is no stretch of the imagination- this is really a miracle plant.

Products, in Detail

SmartMix is a powder containing lots of Moringa oleifera, packed with all the nutrients and antioxidants you see listed above. Mixed with Fo Ti Root Extract for vitality, and chicory root extract for digestion, this is an ultra healthy blend. For an even more concentrated dose, there’s SuperMix.

XMProtein is a low-calorie nutritional shake that makes a meal replacement for people trying to lose weight. Based on what you just learned about the excellent nutritional value of Moringa, you can see how this works so effectively to keep you healthy while you diet.

XM+ Energy Mix. This boosts your energy and your mood and acts as an appetite suppressant. Moringa is mixed with Ginseng and Green Tea.

The Zija Compensation Plan

While the impressive founder and the excellent products make Zija stand out, the binary compensation plan is nothing special. Nevertheless, here are the details:

  • profit from retail sales-purchase at wholesale and sell at retail
  • get qualified and active by putting yourself on Autoship for at least 75 PV every month, and earn retail commission of up to 25%
  • personally enroll new distributors and earn 10% of their first order
  • get more bonuses as you sell more product
  • get team commissions

The Verdict

Are there any other opportunities for marketing Moringa tree products? If so, are they headed by someone whose credentials match Mr. Brailsfords? The products are great, although we’d love to hear more on how they keep an eye on quality control. However, that’s certainly not enough to keep me from recommending the Zija opportunity.

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