Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool
The Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool is designed for online businesses still trying to use Facebook to reach their markets.
It’s also an affiliate product, available through We’ll look at them both, as well as the creator of the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool, Robert Mercado, to see if we can come up with some sort of recommendation (or not!) for this product and the opportunity.
First of All, What is the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool?
Not everyone knows this, but apparently it’s not necessarily true that the more friends you have on Facebook the better. Now remember, we’re talking within the context of entrepreneurs using Facebook to reach potential customers.
Turns out if you have a lot of friends who don’t interact with you on Facebook, then your rate of reaching people with content goes way down. That means your ads, promotions or whatever you’re using to reach your audience aren’t getting seen much at all.
Conversely, the more your friends engage with you, the more Facebook will decided that you’re legit and spread your posts to more viewers.
Kind of reminds me of the days when we found first out about “quality scoring”. That was with Google Adsense, where your click through rate determined how much you made per click.
Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool offers customers a way to win at the quality scoring Facebook is doing…by “sweeping” out the friends of yours who don’t engage with you.
This means once the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool has done its job, you should see more of a return when you post things. For business owners, this means increased sales.
The benefits include:
- save time over manually cleaning out deadbeat friends
- run reports on comments and likes you receive, your top friends, how many spammy friends you have
- a list of the friends who engage with you on a regular basis
- gets you in a Positive Feedback Loop
Pricing of the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool
There are 3 levels of this product, and only one will be relevant to you, depending on how many friends you have:
- Standard. This is if you have up to 1000 friends. Cost: $47
- Pro. This is if you have up to 2500 friends. Cost: $97
- Premium. This is if you have 5000 friends. Cost: $97 (sale price)
- lifetime access
- 500 Most Engaged PDF
One thing to know: the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool doesn’t actually auto-remove or “unfriend” your friends for you. They do have a Done For Your service where they’ll have some lackey help you do it, but you’re really on your own getting rid of the friends using a list generated by the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool.
Who is Robert Mercado?
Robert Mercado is the guy who created Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool. He’s got one of those rags-to-internet-riches stories about how he went from being homeless to making $250K his first year of working online.
But it sort of ends there, as his public persona seems to exist only to demonstrate the worthiness of his Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool. If you read his article entitled “How I Made $252,656 My First Year Online”, it simply tells what I’ve just told you…rags to riches but no details.
He does sell a series of other products:
- Pic ReDirect
- Start Retargeter
- Easy Popup Creator
- PPC Dominator
- Social Alerts
His blog features an earnest collection of marketing articles but at this point I’m giving up on finding out who Robert Mercado really is.
Suffice it to say he’s young, and has not worked in business before.
The Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool Affiliate Program
Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool is listed on JV (JVZoo). Sign up and get 50% commissions and 10% bonus on other affiliates you bring in. Pretty simple, no-nonsense program.
The Verdict
Gotta admit, the Friend Sweeper Facebook Tool is a great idea. For those of you who have thousands of friends and who’ve seen your post reach dwindle, this is a real time saver and perhaps even money-maker, like Robert Mercado says.