BioTech Breakouts: Kyle Dennis 3 Step Trading Profit Playbook?

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Right now, millions of people are trading on the stock market. But not all of them make the kind of money that would allow them to quit their day jobs and do it full time. Most people who get into trading stocks, hardly ever see a return on their investment. Either because they arbitrarily pick a stock without doing any research or because they have followed the herd and got into the stock too late to make any profits. Of course, they could be trading the wrong kind of shares to see any significant gain, then give up and never go back.

The truth is though, right now is the time to be trading on the stock market that is, if you know what stocks to pick. That is where Biotech Breakouts comes in to play. In a world where cryptocurrencies are becoming a household name, there is money in the technology sectors on the stock market. But to see any profit, you have to know which stocks to look for and when to strike.

With Biotech Breakout, you will learn all you need to know about this sector. With a simple to follow the 3-step plan, you too could be making the kind of money you have always dreamed about making.

What Is BioTech Breakouts?

Biotech Breakouts is a company that is hosted by RagingBull and created by Kyle Dennis. According to the Biotech Breakouts website, Mr. Dennis is 27 years old with education in biotech, technical charting, and finance. The site goes on to say that Mr. Dennis is the most qualified person to learn biotech trading than anyone else.

While there is no written proof to back up this claim on the site, the webinar goes into some detail about who Mr. Dennis is and his credentials. The free webinar also includes a brief plan Mr. Dennis used to turn $15,000 into $3 million in a matter of 4 years. Of course, if you want the full details on how Mr. Dennis created such wealth, you will have to become a member of his Biotech Breakouts newsletter.

As for RagingBull, it is a company that specializes in financial trading as well as educational services. RagingBull hosts ‘gurus’ who then use RagingBull’s platform to advertise their services. The formula for the ‘gurus’ starts with a free webinar to get the viewer hooked. The webinar or whatever free service is a means to get the viewer’s email address to promote higher priced products in the financial realm.

BioTech Breakouts Kyle Dennis 3 Step Trading Profit Playbook Product

Biotech Breakouts first provides a free webinar to get viewers interesting in the possibility to make money on the stock market. Of course, the webinar and Mr. Dennis is niche-driven and explains that instead of going after all kinds of stocks, he looks at Biotech stocks. The webinar goes on to explain why biotech stocks are different than regular stocks and how they are set to explode in the next few months.

The webinar touches base on topics like, the ways you can isolate the pattern which has a high probability of being bullish. The webinar explains the three significant steps you need to take actually to win biotech trades. Mr. Dennis describes how to manipulate the reward vs. risk to tip in your favor all while providing real-world examples that have worked for Mr. Dennis.

Those who attend the webinar are entitled to Mr. Dennis’ free eBook, “The $2.9 million Biotech Playbook.” Of course, the real products that are being sold are “Lightning Alerts” which is a swing trading program that runs $129 a month. Then you have “FDA Insider Alerts” which is a newsletter that revolves around biotech stocks yet to be approved by the FDA. The membership price for “FDA Insider Alerts” will run you $399 per quarter. Lastly, there is “The Nucleus” which is a premium mentorship that runs $9,999 per annum.

BioTech Breakouts Opportunity

Biotech Breakouts is a site run by Raging Bull. At the bottom of the web page on Biotech Breakouts, you will find a link that says “affiliates.” Once you click the button, you are taken to page.

However, to earn money, you have to be a member and get a unique affiliate link. From there, you are allowed to share that link where ever you want. The Raging Bull site suggests building a website, running ads, and posting to message boards to get recruits.

Once you have started to spread the word by any means necessary, an affiliate can earn 20% commission on the first sale for Penny Pro Elite and 50% for Millionaire Roadmap and Biotech Nucleus.

BioTech Breakouts Verdict

If you are looking for a way to make money on the stock market, then yes, Biotech Breakouts may be the information you are looking for to make money. Although the site does come off a bit cheesy by the marketing tactics that are used, but it is by no means a shady company. You get what you pay for, and a lot of reviews posted on sites like show glowing reviews about Mr. Dennis’ products.

There are a few negative reviews that revolve around the refund policy that is attached to the program. There are no refunds, which can make a lot of people irritated once they get the first bill and haven’t seen the kind of money coming in that they expected. But this goes to show that when it comes to educational services that deal with the financial realm, one should read the fine print located on the “Terms and Service” before dropping money down.

One thing people have to understand is that Biotech Breakouts is a company that revolves around trading stocks. There are no guarantees with any market. Everyone should realize that the stock market no matter what sector you are trading comes with risks. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. With that being said, Mr. Dennis’ track record is above average.

Based on the 26 trades that Mr. Dennis performed and suggested, 15 were profitable. Those stocks had a gain of 17.6% average with the biggest winner being Nektar Therapeutics which hit at +296.6%. So, he does have a solid understanding of what he is saying. But you can’t be right all the time when it comes to the stock market.

As for RagingBull being the hosting platform for Biotech Breakouts, well, it is best to do a bit of research about the parent company before signing up. While RagingBull offers the ability to earn money through their affiliate program, you have to pay to play. Only members can become affiliates and sell RagingBull educational services and products.

All in all, though, the free webinar that is offered will give you plenty to think about. Just be sure to do your homework before signing up and getting on their mailing list. Remember that this is a company trying to make money. You will get offers for higher ticketed products after you put your email down. As for the information provided, if you are looking for a way to earn on the stock market and haven’t found your niche yet, Biotech Breakouts could be precisely what you are looking for.

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