Ibotta Review – Cash Back Rewards & Rebates For Online Shopping?

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Everyone has necessities that they have to take care of. Many of those necessities revolve around spending money on food, clothing, and other products. The things that we buy often come at a high price and that is why a lot of people turn to coupons. Coupons help people save a little bit of money on the things that they need. But what if there was a better way to save? What if there was an easier way to get the things you need without breaking the bank?

Well, there is a nifty little smartphone app called IBotta which is pronounced “I Bought A”. IBotta is more than just an app that can save you money on the things you need. It is also a way for you to earn money for doing the things you already do, like grocery shopping.

How Does IBotta Work?

IBotta works like any other digital coupon site. You open the app and find the store you want to shop at. From there you scroll through the various products listed and pick out the ones you know you want. Once you have finished “window browsing” and pulling everything you want to buy from the app, you complete tasks from the app.

Many of the tasks that you have to complete are simple and don’t take long to complete. Once you have finished with the tasks and have your shopping list ready, you head to the store.

Once you have finished shopping you have to confirm that you purchased the products on your list. To confirm all you have to do is take a quick snap shot of your receipt. Once you have completed everything your funds will be in your IBotta account within 24 hours. After you have received your funds from IBottA, you can easily transfer them to PayPal, or get gift cards to Redbox, iTunes, or Starbucks.

What makes IBotta different from any other online business opportunity is that it is free. Plus, it offers something that everyone can use. After all, everyone has to shop for food and other necessities right? So why not make money with it too? It is a win-win all around.

How To Make Serious Money With IBotta:

When it comes to saving money, IBotta is great but if you want to make money with the company you need to recruit people. Just like all other online businesses, the real money is made when you get people to sign up under you. You can earn $5 per person when they sign up and redeem their welcoming bonus within a week.

Ibotta Final Word

IBotta is a company that is based out of Denver, Colorado. It has also been around for 5 years according to the Better Business Bureau. Now on the surface, IBotta seems like a decent company to get involved with. They offer you a way to earn cash back on items you already buy. Plus, they also allow you to earn money towards gift cards which make great presents for holidays and birthdays. However, before you go signing up there are a few things you need to think about.

First off, you really need to sit down and read their Terms of Service. They have a lot of rules that must be obeyed in order to be rewarded for using their service. You will find a lot of negative reviews on the BBB site due to people not following said rules.

Another thing that you need to be aware of before signing up is the stores that participate with IBotta. The site offers a list of different stores that participate in the program so it is important to look over the list. You may not have any of the stores in your area.

All in all, though, IBotta is a company that doesn’t really pay you to shop, it offers you rebates on items. These rebates are a few cents per item, but they do add up in the long run. If you are looking for a way to save on your food and clothing bill, you might want to look into getting IBotta app on your smartphone. You can earn money back which does help over time. Just be patient when it comes to getting your money loaded into your account. The site says it only takes 24 hours, but sometimes it can be longer.

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