For those involved in internet marketing, affiliate marketing, sales and creating events, we got something big for you. You may’ve heard of Tony Robbins; he is one of the biggest influences in the personal development and success space.
Tony, along with 3 other powerful heads in the affiliate marketing and software development industry, are getting ready to lead one of the most lucrative online launches of the year. Recently Tony teamed up with Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson to deliver what they are calling, “The biggest launch of the year”.
The program is called knowledge broker blueprint, in a nutshell it’s a course to teach entrepreneurs how to lead successful Mastermind events for their audience. The big buzz about the program is that it’s lead by some of the most successful names in the industry when it comes to internet marketing, tactics, and implementation. As they say, one of the most important aspect of learning a new skill is to learn it form the best, people in the space who are generating the results you are seeking; and that’s the case with Knowledge Broker Blueprint.
About Knowledge Broker Blueprint
Knowledge broker blueprint it’s actually a 2.0 version of the original Knowledge Business blueprint, which launched last year in 2019. The launch and results were such success, that it was the most profitable affiliate marketing launch of the year.
Thousands of entrepreneurs generated results by implementing the content inside the course and others receive some nice paychecks from promoting the high-quality content inside the program.
Who is behind Knowledge Broker Blueprint?
If you know anything about Tony Robins, you may have heard about his multiple transformational events that have impacted the life of many. One of the main characteristics of Tony’s success is his ability to help people attune their mindset to reach their goals. His events have grown in popularity all over the world for the many positive testimonials and results-driven cases.
Dean Graziosi is a master of sales and tactics. He has been in the direct selling industry for years as he is known for doing professional infomercials. His experience is invaluable in the world of relating information in a way that delivers value and can persuade buyers to make an inform decision.
Last but not least, Russel Brunson. If you have been into marketing online, you have probably run into his software services. Over the years he has worked on developing many projects but his biggest ticket to success, came from the creating ClickFunnels.
ClickFunnels is one of the most tech-friendly software’s, when it comes to helping entrepreneurs create funnels and put together compelling websites. His contribution to implementing strategies that work to generate sales is invaluable.
Together Tony, Dean and Russel have a lot of business experience and are some of the most professional entrepreneurs to tell you how to bring your business to the next level.
What can I expect to Learn from the products?
Knowledge broker Blueprint is scheduled to come out February 27th of 2020. As a reference we can look at the content inside their first program, Knowledge Business Blueprint.
Knowledge business blueprint was comprised of 5 modules:
Module 1 – Extract it –
This section was taught mainly by Tony and it goes in depth on what it takes to succeed online in any business. Also, he dives into the best practices to find your ideal client and how to deliver value to them. He gives the best tips on how to tell our story and organize information in a matter that it adds substances to the presentation.
Module 2 – Fill it –
This module focuses on teaching entrepreneur how to become marketing expert.
Fill It, goes in-depth on the best strategies to run ads on Facebook, using social media for targeted traffic. Touches on how to get the best traffic from YouTube campaigns, email management and how to become a super affiliate of your products or others. Its’s the senses part of the course fill with marketing insights.
Module 3 – Run It!
This is a complete course on how to organize and execute successful mastermind. Events gathering and mastermind experience have become popular as to deliver an experience.
MindMint Software
This is an exclusive software that helps execute the process of developing and planning a mastermind.
To learn more about this program be sure to opt in and get updates when the course launches. At the very least is worth seeing what the program is all about and take advantage of the free information they will be giving away during the presentation.
As big as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson are individually, collectively it is not a 1+1+1 equation anymore. Each of them offer independent skill sets that will bring together one of the best offers of the year in Knowledge Broker Blueprint. Based on the success of nearly 20,000 people joining the KBB 1.0 Knowledge Business Blueprint opening, now a new and improved educational coaching software system is becoming available in KBB 2.0.
It would be wise to research more reviews online about Tony and Dean’s new business model program. Make sure to get the real facts about Knowledge Broker’s business and get to know Mr. Robbins and Mr. Graziosi to see what they have in store. You can visit the official website for more information too as well as search for reviews on Knowledge Broker Blueprint online for additional insights and analysis as to what the software system-centric program has to offer come February 27th, 2020.