Internet Entrepreneur Reveals How To Make Money Online Fast.
Have you ever wondered how money is made, earned, created or generated online?
We have a saying around these digital waters that in order to become an entrepreneur, you need to be an expert.
We are going to break down the simplicities and complexities of what it truly and actually takes to make money online and distinguish what information is needed, required, and acted upon to make it happen.
The key (for beginners) is to not reinvent the wheel.
Get your small successes trickling in so you can begin to build momentum and master certain and specific skill sets then leverage and automate what you have learned, accomplished, and started.
These fluid and formulaic tips on how to create money on the internet will showcase the exact expert tips and performance systems we use for getting the proper positioning and placement for any online business we are involved with or creating from scratch.
How Internet Money Works
It’s finally time to actually get down to business and talk about how money changes hands online and what causes money to be exchanged.
Obviously for money to exchange hands someone needs to buy something. However, this purchase does not necessarily have to take place on your website. Instead, a purchase just needs to take place in the sales funnel at some point.
You need to be able to place yourself in a traffic funnel if you want to make money online. The question is, how are you doing to do that? Actually, hold on to that thought, you first need to understand why people purchasing goods and services on the Internet and what’s causing them to make the decision to purchase a good or service.
Chances are you’ve purchased something online by now. Have you ever actually thought about why you made the purchase? In most cases, most purchases are made because a customer sees a greater value in the product or service than the amount of money they need to pay for it.
In case you haven’t figured it out by now, the key aspect is “value.” You might be wondering, what exactly does value mean. Value can be divided into several categories, as can groups of buyers. Generally speaking, buyers are people who:
- Are in need of a solution to a problem
- Need services
- Need tools to make their lives easier
- Purchase items they just simply want to have (think physical products)
- Are looking for “how to” information
The quickest way to start selling online is to focus on desperate buyers. These are the buyers who are in need of a solution or problem. Once you put the solution right in their face, they are very likely to buy.
Let’s take the classic example of people looking to lose weight. The weight loss industry is a global industry and a multi-billion dollar market. Why do you think weight loss supplements, workout tools, courses, and other products sell so well? It’s simply because the people looking for these products are so desperate to lose weight and want to lose weight as quickly as humanly possible.
Another good example of desperate buyers is people looking to work from home and start an online business. My last chapter outlined this perfectly. I mean honestly, who doesn’t want to make more money? Most people just want to make a few extra hundred bucks a day so they fall for schemes and make money online scams.
However, like the weight loss market, the market for make money fast products is there and it keeps getting bigger. As long as there are people desperate for money, the Make money online industry will continue to thrive. Since the market exists there will be shady marketers selling the dream and the cycle will simply just continue. Sure, there are several legitimate products out on the market but as we’ve discovered, these programs require people to actually work, and nobody seems to want to do that. They need to solution NOW. Understand the point I am making?
Creating Real Value in Your Niche
In today’s world, it takes real work to create something of value that consumers will want. Most people who fail at Internet marketing only fail because they are not willing to put in the time or effort required to be successful.
Also, it does take some capital to create a product or service. Content is not cheap unless you plan on writing it yourself and even if you do, you still are spending time writing when you could be doing a hundred other things. If you want to sell software or a service, you’ll need someone to code it and coders are expensive. Essentially, you’ll need money to do almost anything online.
It’s essential that you realize to make a legitimate income online; you need to treat it like a real business and dedicate your heart and soul to make it happen. The simple and easy answer on how to do this is spend time in a niche you enjoy and dedicate yourself to becoming the authority website or product in that niche. You can do this by providing the best value for customers and visitors to your website.
The Importance of Arbitrage
Obviously, our economy is based on arbitrage. If you are going to sell something, you have to ensure that the cost of your product is lower than the cost of acquiring a customer. That’s how simple it is.
Many eBay sellers do exactly what I mentioned. They purchase things for cheap from Craigslist or yard sales then turn around and list the items on eBay and sell them for higher prices.
Another example is outsourcing content for less money than what your customers are paying you to write it. In other words, if a customer is paying you $50 an article, you can outsource the work to a writer for $40/article, pocket the $10 and keep the customer and the person you outsourced the work to happy. If you do a search you’ll find many outsourcing companies do just this.
A third and final example would be promoting an affiliate offer. If you are promoting an offer that pays $50 per sale and you’re buying traffic for $1/click, you need so simply turn 2 out of visitors into paying customers in order to profit.
Arbitrage is always in action and its’ essential that you constantly look for ways to lower your costs while increasing exposure to your product or service. Doing so will help increase your return on investment (ROI) and help you make more money in the process.
Re-inventing the Wheel
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “don’t reinvent the wheel.” This is one of the biggest obstacles for beginners trying to make money online. They think they have to create something new that nobody else is selling or that nobody else has come up with.
In reality, a large percentage of successful online business owners took an existing concept and built on that concept they knew was already working and scaled it to a new level. This is exactly what you should be planning to do, especially if you are on a limited budget. It’s in your best interest to observe what is working for others and build on it so you can grab your piece of the pie so to speak.
For example, if you browse the Internet and see a large amount of similar ads it probably means that this type of ad is probably making the advertiser a decent amount of money. After all, they wouldn’t be spending their valuable advertising dollars on a campaign that isn’t profitable for them.
If you similar ads like this you should follow them, where they lead, what the sales funnel is like, what the lander looks like, what the product is, etc. When you open your eyes to marketing, you can discover hidden gems and find a way to break through and begin making money online.
Becoming a Make Money Online Expert
…in just 4 simple steps?
So you want to make money, I say become an expert (easier said than done?) but don’t know how? Becoming an expert is actually fairly simple and these four steps will help you become an expert in anything you put your mind to.
Step 1 – Tell People What They Need to Pay Attention to
An expert has to break down the incredible amount of information available online and in books into a condensed, simplified set of bullets.
Let’s say you a social media expert. Social media is new, growing rapidly, and can be difficult to understand. Therefore, you could simplify all the information into a few talking points like:
* Facebook
* YouTube
* Twitter
* Company blog/website
Step 2 – Tell People What Everything Means (Know it All (or most of it)
Don’t just leave your audience hanging with simple talking points. You should at least explain to them a basic version of what everything means.
If you’re a social media expert, you should tell your audience that having a social media presence is important because it can generate FREE traffic to their website, which can obviously increase sales.
Step 3 – Tell Your Audience How Things Work (Go To Guy/Gal)
Once your audience has a basic understanding of things, you need to tell your audience how things work in said industry as a whole.
Once again, you’re a social media expert. You could say:
* Twitter helps businesses identify what customers think about their products and services.
* YouTube is a great way to get creative with marketing and interactive campaigns with customers.
* Facebook helps companies interact with their customers or “fans” directly.
Step 4 – Show Your Audience What is Next (Predicting Trends)
An expert can help their audience understand what the future most likely holds. For example, a social media expert would tell their audience that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are going to be the top traffic sources for the foreseeable future.
This will help the audience know where to focus their marketing efforts.
If you know these four things, then you’re officially an expert – at least for now – remember experts are usually only showcase their expertise within a limited number or particular area or domain – ours is making money – this is why we show, teach, train, and guide you on your way to learning how to make money online using the power, leverage, and reach of the god-speed internet.
Now, what we have all been waiting for – a list of 77 ways you can start earning a profit quickly.
77 Ways You Can Make Money Online
Ever thought about ways you can make money online? Dumb question otherwise you would not be here…
But its a simple enough questionable statement that gets largely overshadowed of its significance and importance – have you actually THOUGHT about online money making methods?
We like to think of ourselves as a “think-tank in action” and here is our list of holistic mission jobs, collective potential positions, and global betterment ways to make it happen.
Here are a total of 77 ways broken down into general categories that you can make money online. This list should be enough to get ideas on how you can start generating an income online.
Flipping Domains/Blogs/Websites
1. Build something brand new, obtain some real traffic, and flip it on Flippa.
2. Have your startup bought out by a bigger company.
3. Broker websites for clients, similar to a real estate agent.
4. Become a domainer and purchase and sell domain names.
5. Build clones of successful listings on Flippa.
6. Create niche websites, fill the websites with content, and sell them on forums.
Affiliate Websites
7. Build a niche site and sell related affiliate products or services.
8. Start a niche forum and sell premium advertising spots.
9. Start a membership community and sell premium memberships.
10. Create a network of simple, basic AdSense websites.
11. Build review sites and sell products you’ve reviewed.
Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Sales
12. Become an advertising broker and help connect publishers to advertisers.
13. Purchase traffic from Adwords/Bing Ads and promote affiliate products.
14. Start selling links or SEO services to clients to increase their ranks in search engines.
15. Become proficient in obtaining traffic from various sources and help clients obtain traffic from these sources.
16. Purchase PPC ads on a third-tier network and direct visitors to a page with a higher-click value like Adwords.
17. Start a job site and individually connect job seekers with employers in their field.
Email Lists
18. Charge a monthly subscription to subscribers for a monthly newsletter.
19. Sell advertising to advertisers for your newsletter.
20. Promote affiliate products to subscribers after giving them a free report related to your topic.
21. Create a local newsletter and sell advertising to local businesses.
22. Build a coupon email list and charge companies to advertise their product/service coupons.
Social Media Marketing & Management
23. Start developing Facebook applications like Farmville or Candy Crush.
24. Create popular facebook pages or twitter accounts and promote free affiliate offers.
25. Join an MLM company and promote the MLM company through social media.
26. Create a twitter application that interacts with Twitter in a new way.
Coding & Development
27. Become a web designer and sell designs and enter contests at
28. Offer your freelance services at Odesk or other freelance websites.
29. Learn multiple languages and offer programming services to high-value clients.
30. Become a specialized web designer and sell logos, banners ads, etc.
31. Design and code premium WordPress templates and sell them for a monthly fee.
32. Create basic/free WordPress templates and sell links in the footer. (Frowned Upon).
33. Create different, unique website templates and charge customers for access.
34. Outsource basic design work and charge a premium markup fee.
35. Develop a computer game/application and sell virtual currency or the game itself.
36. Buy valuable products at thrift shops or garage sales and flip them on EBay.
37. Find things you no longer use and sell them on EBay.
38. Sell your relative’s unwanted items and charge a fee.
39. Sell homemade items on an e-commerce website.
40. Sell items on your e-commerce website via drop shipping.
41. Build mobile-based websites for clients and charge them a few to build and maintain their websites.
42. Create mobile applications like Candy Crush or Clash of Clans.
43. Create niche specific apps for a specific group like real estate agents or lawyers.
44. Build and design a MMORPG and sell virtual currency or premium memberships.
45. Make a free online game and sell advertisements and premium ad-free memberships.
46. Create simple games and sell copies to large gaming website owners.
47. Make mobile games and sell advertisements and virtual currency.
48. Start a band and sell music online.
49. Sell artwork on Ebay or niche specific websites.
50. Create YouTube videos and sell advertising on your channel and videos.
51. Take creative photos and sell the rights to use these photos on directories.
52. Write content for clients and charge a fee per article or per word.
53. Write an eBook and sell it on media channels like ClickBank.
54. Sell advertising on a blog related to a niche that interests you.
55. Start a paid-community to a forum or blog related to one of your interests.
56. Create a high-traffic blog and sell speaking engagements or physical appearances.
57. Gather valuable information from well-known figures in an industry and sell a e-book based on this information.
58. Create a blog and charge businesses/websites to review their products and services.
59. Create a news website that organizes and displays content based upon a user’s interests.
60. Offer to post on new forums to stimulate interest and charge a fee per post.
61. Allow other people to post on your website or blog, making the blog bigger and attracting new visitors.
62. Fill out services and test out products.
63. Sign up to a get paid to surf program.
64. Become an online virtual assistant.
65. Enter free contests.
66. Submit social bookmarks to clients.
67. Submit articles to article directories and charge a fee for content and your time.
68. Trade stocks
69. Turnaround struggling websites in exchange for equity in the website.
70. Help clients install scripts, applications, or other things beyond their tech knowledge.
71. Start your own web hosting company.
72. Start an organization and charge an annual fee to be a member.
Ways NOT To Make Money
We don’t recommend any of these ways but they do exist and therefore you need to know to avoid them.
73. Creating a link-farm and sell links to clients.
74. Buying random email lists and selling them affiliate products.
75. Selling essays or products to high school or college students.
76. Creating a ponzi scheme or phony MLM.
77. Starting an illegal website that sells products or services banned.
How Money is Made Online Summary
This should sum up the basic way to make money online. In the following sections of our site, we will discuss why knowledge and passion is needed to make money.
As always, we encourage you to become a Super Networker and transform into an Expert and lock arms with us!