Morning Ignition Review

What is Morning Ignition?

Morning Ignition is a personal development enterprise which also operates an affiliate program.

The star product is a 1-hour morning ritual aimed at budding network marketers. Focusing on keeping the mind, the body and the spirit happy and healthy, the “Morning Ritual” philosophy draws from alternative healing principles for overall wellbeing to enable entrepreneurs to bring their A-game to the table and make some money online.

Sounds good, right? If you can get yourself behind the concepts, you can make money by selling the product and earning commissions. By joining Morning Ignition, you get a threefold result:

  1. Product: You can benefit from the product yourself.
  2. Community: draw from the MI community to expand your knowledge.
  3. Compensation Plan: Earn money by spreading the word and selling the product.

According to Jason Spurlock, the force behind Morning Ignition, there are four common and defined habits of successful people:

  1. they have a morning ritual
  2. they get up early
  3. they have a to-do list to improve themselves every day (have vision, motivation, a plan of action
  4. they have their own business

His goal is to provide all 4 things with his Morning Ignition program, so MI takes personal development and focuses it along these lines.

The Morning Ignition Compensation Plan

The Morning Ignition Compensation Plan is nowhere to be found on the Morning Ignition website. It’s usually good to know what you’re getting into before signing up as an affiliate, but that’s exactly what they’re asking us to do.

Never mind, since all it took was a little digging and some stealthy action and I discovered some details on the Morning Ignition opportunity:

  1. This is a “Pass Up” compensation plan, meaning your commissions are not figured by percentage of sale, but rather by passing up every 3 sales you make to your sponsor, and keeping 3 for yourself. That means keeping ALL the profit for those 3 you get to keep.
  2. You do make money on your first sale.
  3. When you get a team in place, each team member will pass up every 3 sales they make.
  4. At your first level, if you make 6 sales, you pass up 3, and keep 3, and your take is $291
  5. After that, even if you don’t make any sales, your people will pass up sales to you and you won’t pass up any more sales.
  6. That’s it!

That’s the basis for the compensation plan. You pretty much make 6 sales, then wait for income to pour in.

So, generation 2: you make no sales, but 9 sales get passed up to you, for a take-home pay of $1,164 on those 9 passed-up sales. Those 9 sales come from the original 6 sales you made: half of those will continue paying up to you, while the other half continues to pass up to Morning Ignition.

It’s all based on exponential growth of sales.

The Products

For $97, you get the full array of products…

  1. An app featuring 540 full-length workout videos you can play on your phone or stream to your TV or tablet, compatible on Android or OS (Mac) products.
  2. Fitness Builder. More like a fitness trainer: enter weight, goal, and helps you to track your fitness towards a fitness goal. Won
  3. The Ultimate Peak Performance Morning Ritual. Nutrition, music, exercise, etc. Comes with companion guide and workbook.
  4. The New Marketers Guide to Really Fast Money. Earning over $1000 in 24 hours.
  5. The Designer Business Blueprint. Create a 6-figure online business in 60 days starting from scratch.
  6. Seven-day video series.
  7. Coaching webinars. Every M-Th at 11:45.Performance coaching wake up call.

Morning Ignition also provides its IBOs a well-developed back end support system. There’s a quick-start video, direct links to the morning wake up calls, a Google+ community, a welcome guide, access to calling your sponsor for help…everything you need to get up and running in 10 minutes.

Marketing is provided for you, too.

The product is..

  • fast
  • accessible to everyone in the world
  • something that people value
  • not available for free online already
  • available at a price point that’s manageable for everyone

The Verdict is Yours…

MI is what you’ll make of it. The Compensation Plan is simple and clear, the product is tangible, real and clearly defined, so it’s up to you whether you think you can put your soul behind the theories and concepts and make it work. It’s in pre-launch right now.

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