FGXpress Power Strips Review

fgxpress member

The nature of this review about FG Xpress Power Strips will be highly beneficial yet different than you are traditionally accustomed to reading.

Straighten up, literally and figuratively.

Whether tucked away comfortably in your desk chair or slouched over somewhere in public on your cool new mobile device, you need to be told the pure truth as to why you are here.

Pain? Stress? Stiffness? Health? Wealth? Self? Abundance? Money? Relationships? Network? Consciousness Connection? Lifestyle? Freedom?

I am putting all of them under the microscope. For your benefit.

Why FGXpress?

My goal is not to sell you on the FDA listed class 1 medical device designed for pain relief power strips or the business opportunity attached to alleviating pain and soreness. I have known of Forever Green (FG Xpress is new wing) for over a handful of years now, but in the MLM world, new products can shake and awake a sleeping giant.

opportunityNetwork Marketing is 100% about leverage. Great products, purposeful services, speed stability, talent convergence and automated systems also factor there on some level at some point.

Being a Super Networker is knowing when the right technology and talent emerge it creates the right nobility and novelty – leading to great things transpiring and freshly occuring.

However counter-productively, we will first point you in the right direction of knowledge and insight regarding the FG Xpress super-duper Power Strips Pain Relief patches…answering essentially the “scam or it works” question while simultaneously referring to why you must recognize opportunity and manage micro-activities to live, be, and experience a pain free life (both physically and financially).

Knowing good and well the worthy seize the opportunity and transcend the dollar store mentality most of us unwillingly acknowledge or accept as possible.

You can live pain-free and abundant.

Regardless, before we both digitally-agree, own and embrace this concept.

expert thumbs upTransformation of imagination to optimization of perception…that is all.

I said a non-intrusive pain relief patch that is designed to relieve minor aches and pain? Heresay I know..but just like I am icing my knee who has been through 2 major constructive surgeries after a Division 1 4-Year College Basketball career – let’s just say I have a fresh belief – ice + these pain patches has helped my knee soreness and stiffness.

I utilize, rely and count on these ‘FDA’ listed pain relief patches (if even for a noticeable positive placebo effect) alongside with keeping positive mindset in the healing recovery process. I urge anyone out there to keep persevering through the pain and reach pure pleasure. My knee will fully heal and repair itself one day.

Enough about my knee, if we have enough time (read this all the way to the bottom) I will go through proper dietary habits, fundamental stretching, core conditioning, productive mobility and exercisable flexibility that you can successfully add to your daily disciplines and decisions. (more on that below, leave your comments/concerns/questions below)

What is FGXpress?

Ok, breathe of fresh air.

Now the stage of the sage has been set 🙂 we can fully begin expressing and expanding about The 10 Things you might want to know about FGXpress and their idolized power strips product.

You’ve been searching and asking and we have expert-researched authoritative answers so you know everything about PowerStrips and the potential opportunity.

1 – What results are made and reported about PowerStrips?

– “PowerStrips may provide temporary relief of (minor) pain.”

– “PowerStrips may improve the look and feel of skin.”

2 – What are the perceived benefits of PowerStrips?

– Obviously FGXpress nor the PowerStrips themselves would ever refer to themselves as disease-curers. This was designed and developed to help the average pain in common places like your knee, back, thigh, neck and chest for temporary pain relief effects.

3 – What is the science behind how PowerStrips work?

– In all practicality, Power Strips can help in the natural heat production of the tissues causing vessel dilation in the body which aids in supporting temporary pain relief and feeling.

4 – What does it mean FGXPress is FDA Listed?

– The relationship between the FDA and FGX is real, as the PowerStrips are listed as a class one medical device with the FDA and they are designed for the temporary relief of minor aches and pains. While no significant clinical studies have not been conducted, early science does indicate these pain patches carry subtle help to problematic areas in your body.

5 – What are the ingredients infused with FGX PowerStrips?

It is not said that ingredients are absorbed into the body, more on an energetic level. It is a topical device therefore non transdermal. We reference the resources used in the making further on.

FG Xpress History

fg xpressFGXpress is a direct selling company that has been around for over 10 years with the qualifications to claim many “first” wins in the direct selling / network marketing industry.

Some of these “First Wins” that have made FGXpress a pioneer in many key areas in the direct selling industry include:

  • FGXpress was the first company to have a US FDA listed product, which is a major distinction in the direct marketing industry for a company with serious long-term goals.
  • FGXpress is the first company to develop a technology that works directly in specific location in the body to get relieve pain.
  • FGXpress is the first company of its kind to make all of it’s products available worldwide to over 100 countries since the beginning of it’s launch in early 2014.

Who is Behind FGXpress?

FGXpress is a subdivision company, part of ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation, originally founded back in 2003.

The main focus of this Utah based Wellness and Longevity organization is HEALTH restoration, with the main objective of providing consumers and clients with the healthiest and highest quality ingredients available today.

ForeverGreen CEO and Founder, Ron Williams has always had a passion for longevity, which has lead him to seek for alternatives that will support the body’s natural ability to remain healthy.

In fact one of CEO, Ron William’s and the company’s core beliefs is “Incorporating Natural and clean products into people’s daily lifestyle is the basis for longevity and quality of life”.

fgxpress Ron Williams

Additional to his interests for longevity and it’s extensive success in the direct selling industry, Ron Williams has a passion to help people around the word succeed with direct selling and network marketing models.

While holding a position as the president of the Multi-Level Marketing International Association (MLM governing body) Ron Willliams came to the realization that most countries around the world didn’t offer solid exposure to direct marketing opportunities. It was evident to him that most direct selling companies based in the U.S only focus in opening opportunities in their same go-to 20 or so countries. Usually countries with a large population to support the fast growth of the opportunity, as well as countries with the proper infrastructure and logistic for product distribution.

natural pain reliefRon Williams came to realize that with the right product he could offer people around the world the opportunity to succeed with a Direct Selling/ Network-Marketing model.

Coincidentally Williams who have had a previous back surgery and has suffered for many years with back pain and discomfort, was first introduced to the pain reliever strips by a friend who asked him to try the all natural product.

After applying the pain reliever strip on his back one night and waking up alleviated, with less pain the next day; Ron realized that this power strips could be the ONE product to open opportunities for people in countries around the world to succeed with a direct marketing product.

After visualizing the idea, Williams secured exclusive world rights to the distribution of the products, which is now sold exclusively by ForeverGreen as PowerStrips™ through a direct selling and distribution model.

What are PowerStrips?

power strips pain reliefPowerStrips have been so revolutionary in helping alleviate pain temporarily that people are naturally talking about the results and sharing the earning potential of the opportunity by referring others to purchase the Strips, which are now exclusively sold by FGXpress.

The PowerStrips™ technology combines, water-soluble adhesive with Germanium (a natural element) , Alpha 3 CMP Marine Phytoplankton (proprietary to ForeverGreen), and Korean Red Ginseng.

Since the adhesive in PowerStrips in skin friendly and designed to be non-irritating the strips are made for regular use, unlike other products in the market.

The fact that power strips are light in weight, a monthly supply of the product can be affordable send to any address around the world from a local postal service. To make it even easier FGXpress offers low rates for shipping and handling internationally and domestically alike.

fgxpress powerstrips review

FGXpress – PowerStrips Business Opportunity

FGXpress has put together a lucrative compensation system that rewards individuals for referring others to purchase the PowerStrips™ directly from FGXpress.

FGXprescompensation-planAfter becoming part of the opportunity, each affiliate is issued a website where they can refer as many people as they would like to purchase the pain relief PowerStrips.It’s a simple business model, the more people you refer to buy the more earning potential for the individual.

One of the ways that FGXpress pays commissions is through a global debit card that can be use is millions of ATM’s around the world.

While the opportunity is open to all countries around the world, currently the majority of the talk and excitement about PowerStrips are coming from The U.S.A., Russia, Kazakhstan, , Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Japan,Canada Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Spain, Mexico, France, Argentina, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and India.

If you are interested in getting a Free sample of PowerStrips you can check this page out to learn more.


  1. Jim

    I am impressed with the review and the strips. I have used the powerstrips for my foot pain and has been such a reliever that I don’t know what else I would do – although I have been using the electro-stimulator in addition, I know these power strips work wonders for me! Thanks for the positive review and insight!

  2. Michele

    I was glad to read this review on FGXpress, as I have been a rep for FGXpress since last Spring. I got involved after a friend shared a PowerStrip with me. It totally alleviated the pain in my right knee, which woke me up on so many nights.

    You failed to review the SolarStrips, which is a powerful new product for FGXpress. A friend of mine, who suffered with neuropathy 30 years in her feet, got back the feeling in her feet after using the SolarStrips. So both of these are really great products.

    • Rita Davis

      Who can I talk to about becoming a rep with FGExpress powerstrips?

      • annette scannapieco

        I saw a poster at my yoga studio and am very curious about the strips and maybe being able to sell them. I am a lic massage therapist for 27 years. I look forward to finding out more information.
        Thank you,

      • Kami

        Hi Rita
        If you haven’t yet connected with one of the distributors, you are welcome to check out my website and contact me through it.

      • Ggenga Emmanuel

        please, contact me via that email, i would refer you directly to one of the Bonafide member of Fg express .

      • AVI

        You can looking for other country’s to create this international business.

    • Kathy

      Michele, I’m very interested in hearing more about this case. My husband has neuropathy in his hands and feet, mainly numbness, not really pain. Not sure if this was caused by strong antibiotics he was put on while in the ICU last year for West Nile virus, or if it’s a result of the virus itself, which would be more of a central nervous system issue. We’ve tried laser therapy, photon genius, frequency specific microcurrent, proper nutrition, etc. and nothing has helped. How long did it take before the SolarStrips helped your friend? Thanks.

  3. Rita Davis

    I would like more information about the business opportunity with fgexpress. Please reply.

    • Karen

      Rita, have you been given information about the fgxpress business opportunity yet? If you, haven’t please let me know and I can get you the information. If you have, good luck on your business venture.

    • heather

      Hello, I have first hand a wonderful person who can help you to get started. This is an amazing opportunity and it really works. My hubby who is a diabetic, gets leg cramps later in the evening after a long day. Amazing and very soothing for him… It’s not easy watching him in pain but no more….please msg anytime…

  4. Phyllis Cianfrano

    I am a founding member of Fgxpress and would be more than happy to share information with you.

  5. abdul samad

    we need free sample of fgx press we have lot of patien of osteoarthiritis and back ach and cervical pain in pakistan we have waste experiance in pharma maket

  6. Amy

    My father was ran over by a car when I was young and the nerves running from his spinal cord to his right arm were ripped out of his spinal cord. They tried rehabilitation for over a year and when no progress had been made he opted to have the arm amputated, as the weight of the arm was giving him back and shoulder problems. The pain completely subsided for about a year which was wonderful! After that first year the pain came back, and he has phantom pains in his arm, wrist, and elbow even though there is not a physical arm there any longer. He has tried numerous doctors and medications for pain relief. Most of the doctors didn’t do anything but offer more medications, and most of the medications only knocked him out instead of lessening the pain while still allowing him to go about his daily routines. The power strips have me interested, but I’m not sure if these would help more for things like soreness and light pains from over exercising, or if anyone has seen any results from it with more intense pains, nerve pains, or even phantom pains. Any info is greatly appreciated. If this product worked on my dad I would be more than happy to start selling the products myself, I’m just not sure if it’s meant for things like my dads pain or not.

  7. Tony

    CARREFUL : You will loose your money. I’ve pass a bill at the beginning of the year of a Single Pack (I already double checked on my first bill). Today I discover that they debited my bank account every month for a total of 600€.

    I am not going to judge the quality of the product (that didn’t really work for me but seems to be working for others), just about the financial scam of the system.

  8. heather

    I have tried the power strips on my husbands legs as he gets the occasional cramping in his legs re diabetes. Looking at fgxpress very closely…. any incite… looking at another company called genesus pure…. any feed back would be greatly appreciated…

  9. Raymond Wringer

    I am a member of FG Xpress so if anyone wants to acquire some PowerStrips™ or join as a distributor, you can contact me.


  10. mateneh Kromah

    I Read about Fgxpress on net,am interecting to joined eto be one of the distributor.I live in liberia

  11. Elizabeth Zalas

    I would like to know more about the joining fee, I am in Namibia and also want to see the business plan.

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