
SwissGolden Review

Gold is still big, and Swissgolden is there to capture the market. They sell gold bars to the public in small amounts. They also have what they call their Marketing Program, which operates as a money-earning network marketing structure for those who are interested in getting involved.

I dove a little deeper beyond what you see on the SwissGolden website, to see if the company seemed reputable, the product was a good one, and whether the Marketing Program seemed worthwhile.

What I found might surprise you. Read on to find out more.

SwissGolden, The Company

One thing every network marketer likes to see is one of two things:

  1. A solid MLM company with proven track record and great reviews of their compensation plan (in other words, “a sure bet”).
  2. A brand new “kid on the block”, where they can get in fast and be one of the pioneers, thereby earning lots of income.

What we don’t like to see is something that’s already been around for two years but still hasn’t made its mark either way. That’s exactly what SwissGolden is…from what I can tell, at least.

Transparency? Forget About It!

The powers that be at SwissGolden HQ don’t seem to believe in transparency. There’s hardly a thing about this company anywhere online, nor the founders. Completely shrouded in mystery, actually.

Haven’t they read any recent marketing articles? Millennials, who will soon take over the world, are more concerned with who they work for rather than money or power. They want to work for a company they can believe in, who does good things, and whom they can be proud to work for.

They don’t want to work for a company who won’t even give us one sentence on who they are, where they came from, or what experience they have running a network marketing business. That goes for the rest of us, too…who would want to partner up with this mystery company?

Attention to Detail? Nope!

Not only that, but two years and running and they haven’t found anyone to proofread their website! The thing is horribly written, and has the feel of some badly-translated Asian web copy designed to trick Japanese housewives into investing the family fortune in tiny gold bars. Sheesh, what SwissGolden doesn’t know about online marketing could fill a stadium!

What About the Gold Bars?

On a more positive note, the concept behind the SwissGolden product is admirable. Maybe the Millennials will feel a spark of interest when they find out SwissGolden is really trying to make gold purchases available to the little people. By “little people” I mean people with little bank accounts.

You see, SwissGolden’s gold bars come in teensy sizes- 1 gram, for instance.

Do You Know What 1 Gram of Gold Looks Like?

A gram of gold looks like a micro small in fact that when they sell it to you, it has to be laminated on a credit card-like plastic mounting so it doesn’t get lost like a snowflake or a piece of confetti.

They can be purchased in sizes from 1 gram to 100 grams. Some combos are a sheet of the gold 1-gram chips and others are actual gold bars. The gold itself comes from reputable European houses of gold, which apparently is important in the precious metals industry…you want to know that your gold is pure, of course.

The SwissGolden Compensation Plan- How Does it Work?

Join the SwissGolden Marketing Program and you can get compensated for selling gold to other people.

How You Get Compensated

Sell enough gold, and your own gold purchases are financed through commissions. Nope, you don’t get straight cash. Maybe this is a good time to mention that you can sell back your gold to SwissGolden at any time.

The Verdict

You have to sell a lot of gold to start earning commissions, so unless you’re prepared to “think big” on this, it may not be for you. In other words, unless you’ve dipped your toe in the MLM world before, this is not the place you want to be cutting your teeth.


  1. Regina ito

    yes am willing to join

  2. Kathy

    hi regina, my team is looking for a new clients of Swiss Golden here in Dubai. If you want to join feel free to comment your email. 🙂

  3. Ibukun

    How can one be a member of swissgolden

    • Chris Dennison

      hello Ibukun, if your still looking to join swissgolden then you can go to the team website or contact me directly and I can help you. Thanks

      • lulu

        hi,explain what is this swissgolden thing?

  4. Augusta

    What are d requirements before I can join?

  5. reginald lee paulk

    Hello I cannot talk directly to someone from Swiss Golden and I have invested, over more than a year ago and to this day nothing no gold no results from the chain of tables, nothing. Seems very much like a tremendous fraud. I am told to look for my sponsor, who also has been cheated, what do I do¿? Seems LIKE FRAUD TO ME. Hello.

  6. Jay Jay

    Hi everyone! Guys, there is nothing for free in this life. If you want to earn good money you should work and apply efforts. This rule works everywhere, so it does in Swissgolden Let me explain to you:

    Swissgolden is an on-line store ( as, e-bay, com, etc), not an investment fund. Here people can buy gold bars from 1 to 100g at good conditions in any amount with their own money or earn them by taking part in a marketing program. The marketing program was created for people who do not have money for serious investment, but who want to create their gold reserve and develop their own gold business. This program works like a bonus program with points in the supermarket: a customer can recommend other customers to receive points that will be exchanged for supermarket products. In case with Swissgolden it is the same, but you do not change your bonuses for caps, shirts or any discounts, you exchange your bonuses for investment gold bars.

    People here are neither distributors nor consultants, they are CLIENTS of the on-line store. In order to participate in the marketing program you have to buy a complete set of bars that are 7000 euros worth. The whole sum can be paid at once or you can make a prepayment (minimum is 220 euros) and the rest you can pay with your own money or with bonuses. This information can be found freely in a public contract which can be found on the official site of the company. And now tell me, where is Ponzi scheme here?

    A client makes an order and receives a bill. A prepayment can be made through the bank and the rest can be paid with your own money or with bonuses. Once you have done your purchase, you receive your product The question is: I make an order, I make a prepayment , and what do I get in return? You get the same when you make an order in any online store : a bill.

    I am economist and I can tell you that Ponzi scheme does not work more than 24 months. Swissgolden is already 3 years on the market and continues to grow.

    To cut a long story short: you do not invest here or involve people. Those who want to buy gold bars and additionally to benefit from promotion of product and services of the on-line store can take part in the marketing program.

    This is a new revolutionary business of the 21st century where you don`t have to sell anything, to create big structures and look all the time for new clients to get a good income or to explain the advantages of your product. The uniqueness of gold is that this product always rises in price. It can be bought or sold in any bank (because gold is solid money) or in the on-line store! QUESTION – is there any other product u can sell back to the company in a year and earn?

    If you want to achieve big results, to become your own boss and to be able to live the life you have always wanted, do not hesitate to ask me more about this awesome opportunity. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you ..

    • Victor

      I need every information I can get from you Jay Jay.

  7. Mthokozisi Alex Mkize


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