Usborne Books & More
Some of the best home-based businesses are built around products that are used in the home. After all, hosting a party in your home is the best way to generate excitement, emphasize the benefits, and highlight the features.
Usborne Books and More is exactly this type of money-making opportunity. If you have kids and you have a lot of friends with kids, you’ve got a built-in market right there, ready to go. It’s a whole world that opens up, and people love to get together and share ideas, products, and laughter.
Tupperware was built on this concept, and so were Mary Kay, Avon and Amway. There’s a strong market for kids’ books, and discovering them in the comfort of someone’s nice living room is far better than playing guessing games with online booksellers where you can’t see the book yourself.
If someone really loves earning free books by hosting parties and selling books, he or she can go up another level and become a consultant. There’s opportunity there. But first, a look at the product.
How Good are These Books?
The books are very high quality:
- They are also sold at museums.
- They are beautifully illustrated.
- Some are linked to internet sites for a multi-media approach.
- Others are related to science or history texts for added layers of learning and discovery.
- There are over 2,000 titles.
- They are educational books so parents will love them.
- There are also childrens’ books in Spanish.
- eBooks available too.
- Exclusive titles.
As you can see, plenty of marketable aspects to the product. Cool upsells include book collections and series.
Becoming a Usborne Books & More Cosultant
To earn income, one must first purchase one of two kits:
- Mini Consultant Kit ($69). Includes 8 books, business supplies, website.
- Consultant Kit ($149). Includes 25 books, business supplies, website.
Refunds are available, and you even get to keep the books.
Consultants host parties, show titles, and take orders for books. The books are shipped and then distributed. Books can be shown at home parties, book fairs, schools or anywhere the consultant manages to set up a table.
When consultants register as Educational Consultants, they gain the right to sell to governmental entities like schools and libraries.
Commissions are 25%-30%, based on volume each month. Team leader’s commissions are higher. Every month there are discounts and specials, allowing consultants to get deals on their kits or reduced prices on shipping. Books range from around $4 to $48.
Consultants can also earn sales bonuses and bonuses for recruiting new consultants (4%). Becoming Team Leaders gives you an additional 11% of net sales made by the downlines.
During the first 12 weeks after joining, there is opportunity to earn free kits (refund on your monthly kit) by participating in the Write Your Own Success Story program.
Support & Training for Consultants
For $20, consultants can purchase the Educational Consultant Kit. This prepares them for going into schools and libraries, where there’s a certain lingo already in place, so they have to learn the culture. Dealing with Purchase Orders used by institutions, for example, is one thing that’s covered.
There is also training in the form of a Consultant Guide, more written training, audio guides, and personal training from the Team Leader. Some parts of the country will also have monthly training sessions. There are only 9,000 consultants in the country.
UBAM also hosts national trainings and conventions too.
About UBAM Reviews
Forbes and Fortune magazine seem to think Usborne Books and More is going places. UBAM is part of a very successful corporation called the Educational Development Corporation (EDC), which tops lists in those magazines for fastest-growing companies, best small companies, etc. EDC has been in existence for more than two decades…they’re not going anyplace soon.
Plus, EDC has been marketing their books through direct selling methods since 1989. In 2008 they acquired a well-known publisher of childrens’ books, Kane Miller.
UBAM: A Nice Opportunity
There’s no wizardry involved here: the compensation plan is straightforward, the product is awesome, and the market is huge for children’s books. If you’re social and know lots of people with kids or have an “in” with the local school district or library system, go for it.