Google Sniper 3.0 Review (George Brown’s SEO Training)

Google Sniper 3.0 is the highly-anticipated follow-up to Google Sniper 2 and of course G Sniper 1; the one which started all the buzzing from the beginning by creator George Brown – who went zero to six figures using his ‘Ultimate Blueprint’ for Search Engine Optimization.

I remember it clearly, being a SEO myself seeing the first GS1 come out nowhere back in 2009 to take the internet by storm.

Google Sniper 3’s predecessor (GS2.0) turned heads in the ‘affiliate marketing’ world because it raised awareness about how to quickly build thin affiliate-oriented ‘sniper sites’ that could advantageously exploit money-making niches cheaply and aggressively. (vintage 2009-2012 SEO game)

Now times have changed. Click here to see The New Updates Inside Google Sniper 3!

What is Google Sniper 3’s USP?

google sniper 3
Fast forward to current search engine optimization methods and protocols and you will see radical shift in what most elite SEO-minded people are doing.

That’s why after over 12 months of research and development, Google Sniper is ready for release to the masses.

So what is G Sniper 3.0 Unique Selling Proposition?

In one classically over-used word, training.

However, knowing that sales pitch slang and jargon, GS 3.0 surely is due to update their product patterns and perspective after successfully having repeatedly done 7 figure launches teaching their SEO-related principles in the past.

After all, between GS1 and GS2 (it is the best-selling all-time SEO training and marketing course on the popular affiliate network platform Clickbank), how could he put his righteous reputation on the line and let everyone down by putting out misleading information that has a combined 100+ hours of updated training inside a glassy and classy members area.

Once Google Sniper 3 launches on December 8th, we are going to buy it here and test it out ourselves.

What I love about these products through the clickbank platform is that there is always a money back guarantee and refund policy that I encourage everyone to take full advantage of IF – the product doesn’t work for you, not teaching and revealing anything new to you or has been flat out myth-debunked about the practices and protocols shown.

I know this – after having been in the SEO space for 9 years full-time, there is one thing that must remain consistent to remain powerful and relevant in the game – links and quality value-driven content.

And the 2nd one of that pair is much more subjective than backlinks to your website.

Because let me tell you something for free – as a bonus for reading my review about Google Sniper 3.0

Backlinks are king. And because they tell the story of your website – they must be rich and empowered links.

You know the hip-hop rap quote, (1 good girl is worth a 1,000 b-itches), well the same is ever-more present and holds true to the same link lingo as (1 good link is worth a 1,000 spammy ones).

That being said, our full overview will discuss in-depth the details about whether or not the information inside google sniper is in fact timeless or not..or if this is your typical churn-in-burn, flavor-of-the-month SEO mumbo-jumbo hoop-la that we are all so accustomed to seeing.

george brown google sniper review

George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 is headed up by his team of GDMB Dream Team support members who promise to be there to provide extra care and added real-time interaction if you experience any problems.

A brief summary what is to be promised inside the members area of the new Google Sniper course:

  • Hours & Hours of Step By Step How-To SEO Videos
  • The Original Google Sniper Manual with Bonus Bulletproof Manual
  • Monthly On-Going Instructional Hands-On Over-the-Shoulder Webinars
  • Direct Access to 1-on-1 Coaching Support (they are focusing on baby stepping and streamlining everyone through their proven proprietary process of SEO – picking a product, searching keywords, installation setup, content generation and the whole shabang).

What I like about it from the 10,000 foot view level is that they are taking the hands on approach to showcasing their case studies and results which you in-turn and theory could mimic and recreate for yourself.

On the surface level “simplicity is the product” and everything is masterfully mapped out so you can access 24/7 and always reference the training materials found within G Sniper 3 members area.

It will remain to be seen whether or not Google Sniper 3 can be another record breaker in the making in the world of SEO skills, training, marketing and software tools.
Please check back with us about our entire experience as our plan is to contribute to the cause of GS3.0 on whether or not it is a viable option for you


  1. Jan

    Does the Google Sniper 3.0 work in the UAE?

  2. mohamed

    thank you ……..

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