10 Ways To Make Money Online 2014
When I first heard about the concept of making money online, I was always very skeptical. Many companies who offer these job opportunities are renowned scammers, and it can be very difficult to find ones that aren’t hoaxes.
Despite all of this, there are numerous individuals out there who have managed to turn their online jobs into successful careers. It is more than possible for you to do this as well. All it takes is a few tips and a little bit of determination, and you will be well on your way to making money online.
Creating A Job Online To Make Money
Working online does not just have to be about money; it can be about enriching the lives of both yourself and your customers as well. Having an online job will give you the ability to make a bigger impact than you could have ever imagined, and it will provide you with a fulfilling career that you are proud to have.
Experiencing this is an amazing feeling, and I believe that everyone should know what it is like at one point or another.
But, in order to get to this point, you must know how to properly align your job with your wish to positively affect and help others.
Ways To Earn Money Online
Now, here are what I consider to be the 10 best ways to earn an honest living online.
1) Teaching Classes
Teaching has been my number one source of income for years now. Almost all major universities have started offering online courses because of how successful they have become, and this has created a huge demand for web-based professors. Entrepreneurs all across the world have started to launch online schools, and this feat is not nearly as difficult as one would normally think. You can choose to either create your own online class, or you can always apply for jobs within an already existing school.
2) Offer Your Own Service
Another great way to make money online is to offer a service that you are particularly talented at. One of the best aspects about offering your own service is that it requires very little start up money, and you do not need outside investors in order to make your business plan a reality. I have friends who edit podcasts for a living in order to make them more professional, and I also have friends who write web content for companies. Whatever your particular strength is, you can most likely turn it into a profitable business endeavor.
3) Create and Sell Products
No matter what your particular niche is, I guarantee that there is someone out there who is willing to pay good money for your expertise. If you happen to know a lot about a certain subject, you can always create e-books, DVDs, podcasts, or software, and then sell these items online. There are many different advertising outlets that you can use in order to do this, and webinars and forums are two great examples.
4) Continuity Programs and Membership Services
An additional way to put your knowledge about certain subjects to good use is to start your own continuity program or membership service. A continuity program is simply when customers sign up for a monthly service where they receive useful tips and tricks, as well as powerful information about a certain topic. Another way to look at it is a “monthly newsletter”. The beauty of continuity services is that you only have to convince each customer to purchase once, and you will receive continuous payments from them for a (hopefully!) long time.
5) Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing consists of creating and designing websites, filling them with high quality and relevant content, and then selling products on them from other people or companies. It can be a difficult niche to break into, but it is highly profitable and fulfilling. You earn commission on every product that you sell through your sites, and you never have to invent or sell your own goods. It is also becoming common for individuals to create sites, and then sell them to other individuals so they can start earning commission.
6) Build a Successful Site and Sell Advertisements
If you create a site that receives enough traffic, companies will be willing to pay a lot of money in order to advertise on it. The main thing that you must keep in mind is that your first priority should be to create a site that will get visitors, and your second priority should then be to attract future advertising customers to it. No one will want to advertise on your site if it is not relevant.
7) Sell Sponsorships
The first step to selling sponsorships is to create high quality, branded content that potential sponsors will like. You can achieve this through several different outlets, including blogs, podcasts, and webinars.
8) Create and Promote Events
Although this can be difficult to get started with, creating and promoting events is another great way to make money online. To begin, you must decide on what niche you would like your event to revolve around, and then you can create either a forum or summit.
9) Become a Coach or ‘Mastermind’
If you are a pro in a certain area, you can always become a change maker or coach. You can do this via the Internet, or you can choose to host in-person events, such as meetings and retreats. If you are motivational and have the ability to positively push others, this may be the perfect occupation for you.
10) Hone Your Creativity
If you find that none of these options particularly appeal to you, you can always create your own. Reflect on your personal strengths and talents, and brainstorm different ways that you can use them in order to make a living. Some individuals who are good at art may choose to sell their drawings through sites such as Etsy, while others may become professional online consultants for a variety of topics. You should pursue not only what you are talented at, but also what you enjoy.
Start Your Own Online Business
Now that you have read through our top 10 ways to create an income online in 2014, how will you take what you have learned and apply it for yourself?
Are you looking to start your own or join something that is already established and successful? Some people feel that they can venture out and start their own with no worries, others will want to take advantage of a SYSTEM that is already in place.
It is a choice that you will have to make to get started.
Lets us know in the comments below what you have chosen to do. Or what have you been successful in the past with.