Social Home Jobs Review – Effective Work At Home Training Program?

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Social Home Jobs is a social media platform, primarily marketed towards women interested in working from home, that provides instruction on becoming a paid social media account manager.

What Is Social Home Jobs?

The creator of Social Home Jobs calls herself Bethany Simmons, a woman with three young children who turned to social media management as a way to make ends meet after her husband was fired.

The company website, which was registered in October of 2016, shows the site was registered privately and anonymously.

Social Home Jobs Product

The core Social Home Jobs product is a 130-page eBook course that will instruct an individual as to what a social media manager is, what they do, and how to go about becoming one themselves. The product is available through ClickBank for $47 and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.

Social Home Jobs Opportunity

Social Home Jobs also offers an affiliate income earnings opportunity. Individuals interested in marketing the Social Home Jobs product can earn 75% commissions on the initial $47 sale and 50% on three one-time-offer upsells that are presented to Social Home Jobs purchasers.

These three upsells are all $47 each, which makes the total potential for earnings as roughly $122 per customer.

Social Home Jobs provides support through email marketing materials, ad banner images affiliates can use to market the product, and blog reviews that can be posted with links to the marketer’s ClickBank affiliate link. Signing up as a ClickBank affiliate is free.

Social Home Jobs Verdict

Working as a social media manager can be an excellent way to earn money from home. This makes promoting the Social Home Jobs product a possible affiliate income earnings opportunity.

However, there are some problems with the product and its creator that may diminish the opportunity to earn commissions from it.

First is the issue of transparency. It is obvious that “Bethany Simmons” is not a real person but instead a fictitious identity developed by Social Home Jobs to be a persona that prospective customers will relate to and come to trust enough to spend money on the initial purchase.

While this is a common marketing tactic, it also means that there is no solid, concrete information as to who is actually behind the Social Home Jobs company and its product.

This is especially important for affiliates, as it’s rather beneficial to know who you’re going to be partnering with before you become involved.

Secondly, there’s no indications that the Social Home Jobs course is worth the price of admission – or at the very least worth enough to customers to convince them to continue purchasing upsells.

The truth is that there are plenty of resources available on the internet that can teach interested individuals much about becoming a social media manager – and these resources are almost all either free or much less expensive than the Social Home Jobs product – especially when the price of the three additional upsells are taken into account.

This presents a problem for anyone interested in marketing the product as an affiliate – why would anyone spend nearly $50 on information that can be found for free through a few minutes of searching the internet?

It presents a challenge from a marketing standpoint that may be insurmountable.

Worse yet, the quality of the product itself may not be substantially high; the company behind it has taken great pains to avoid any mention of who they really are or where they’re located, which leads us to believe they have something to hide or that they’re more interested in getting their customers’ cash than they are in providing a quality product to them.

These factors make it a bit questionable when it comes to becoming an affiliate marketer for the company.

With an affiliate marketer’s all-important reputation on the line, it might be a good idea to give Social Home Jobs a bit of a wide berth if you’re concerned about being associated with a product that might not be worth its price.

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